My daughter nods, and when her shoulders shake as tears run free, Alisha walks over and pulls her into her arms.

"How could I’ve been so stupid?" Samantha hiccups. "I thought he liked me. Instead, he was working together with Alisha’s stalker?"

"It’s a possibility," the policewoman replies. "It would explain how the stalker got hold of the phone numbers and why Leo now has disappeared. My advice is to change your phone numbers while we investigate further."

I let them out, and when I come back and see my sweet, innocent girl crying her heart out because that bastard used her, I want to rip him into pieces, throw him in a blender, and feed it to the sharks.

"I’m so sorry," she cries. "I’ve been so stupid, but..."

"Shh," Alisha hushes. "We all make mistakes, sweetheart. Your dad and I aren’t mad. We're just relieved you’re safe."

Samantha nods, and I swallow, catching her teary eyes. Time for something else. I cut in by clearing my throat to make my presence noted.

"Samantha, could you come with me? It’s time I show you something." Both girls peek my way.

As Samantha walks over, Alisha asks, "Are you going to show her the room?"

I chuckle seeing her stunned reaction. Finding out my daughter has the piano gift, but that she hides it, makes me determined to do this. She doesn’t deserve to be carrying my burden.

"Yeah, I am. She deserves the truth. Come on, Sam." I turn and walk through the house into my bedroom.

When she steps inside, she has a grimace on her face. "What’s going on?"

I open the drawer, and after hearing the click, I rise and open the wooden door.

"Oh, my god. Is that a real Bösendorfer?" She gazes at me—searching for the answer. I nod. She rushes past me and investigates the room. I sigh when she wanders and stops in front of the trophy cabinet.

"These prizes have your name on it. What happened? Why aren’t you playing anymore?"

I take the photo from the lid and hand it to her. "This is your grandfather and me after my first performance. I was five years old when it was clear I had the same talent as him. My parents were ecstatic. He taught me everything he knew. But one day, he broke his wrist, and the injury made it impossible for him to play more than a few minutes."

Samantha gasps. "So what happened after he got injured?"

"Everything changed. Instead of playing, my father started composing while I spent every free minute behind the piano. He lived and breathed his piano career through me. But after years of playing and performing, I wanted a break from it. They didn’t agree, and we had arguments about it. When I was sixteen, they wanted me to play something my father had composed for me at an international classical music event. He got on stage, talked to the audience, and when it was time, he called me on the podium. But I never showed, and when he wanted to leave, he collapsed and died of a major heart attack."

Samantha places the photo on the ground and wipes a tear from the corner of her eyes.

"I told your mother this story and said if I ever had a child who had a musical talent, I would protect it from the stress and interference of my family and the rest of the world. I’m sure that’s the reason your mom wanted you to keep your piano talent a secret. She didn’t want anyone to meddle with your life."

I touch her face and lift her chin. "But no more. If you love to play the piano, you play the piano."

"And you? Will you ever play again?"

I shrug. "Maybe. But first, I would love for you to take a seat behind this one and play something else for me."

Her lips curl. "You mean I can play on this?" she asks with sparkling eyes while walking over and brushing her hand over the black top.

"Yes, but before you do, let me show you another cool thing." With a sense of newfound peace, I lift the piano’s lid.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Samantha shouts. "I’ve read about these. Isn’t this a collector’s item?"

"Yes. This piano is one of the Bösendorfer Artist Series Klimt called Woman in Gold. My father was a big fan of the work of Gustav Klimt. So when he earned enough money and got the opportunity, he bought this one. When he wasn’t able to perform anymore, he gave it to me. So sit and give it a go."

A knock makes us both turn. I grin when I perceive an awestruck Alisha standing on the threshold. She's captivated by the beautiful artwork.

"I had the same reaction," Samantha says with a chuckle.

With a few steps, I reach Alisha, grab her hand, and pull her in front of me and against my chest.