I roam my hands over my face. "Thanks, that's very helpful. Now the number one question is how to bring this news to Cole."

A headache wants to emerge when I Imagine his reaction the moment Samantha tells him about Leo.

Amanda's eyes expand. "Oh, dang it. Daddy Cole will lose his shit."

"Yep." I quickly push the thought of a grumpy bulldozer back when a few customers walk in. Perfect, this is what I need. I need to forget this big issue for now. Cole is still on his business trip. So let's put this in the freezer, and when I'm home, I'll break my brain cells thinking of a pleasant way to bring the news.

* * *

It'smidnight when I'm gazing at the grazing moon in the hopes its brightness will rub off on my brain.

"I could use a bright idea."

A soft breeze plays with my loose locks, but when it shifts in front of my eyes, I grab it and place it behind my ear. Suddenly, I sniff and pick up on a familiar scent. I bring Cole's sweater I'm wearing to my nose and inhale deeply. That's weird. I can swear I smell his cologne. I glance over my shoulder. No one else but me.

I let out a disappointed huff. "God, you're pathetic." My phone beeps, and I smile at the word on my screen.


My fingers glide over the screen as I answer.

Hey you.

I bite my lips, seeing the dots in the corner blinking, telling me he's typing.

You look a little lonely. Want some company?

It takes a moment to realize the meaning, but when it does, my heartbeat shifts up as I slowly turn in my seat and lay my phone back on the chair next to me.

"Cole?" The sound of someone tapping their feet on the tiles makes me squint my eyes. Slowly a large silhouette materializes out of a dark corner of the balcony.

"Did you miss me, Alex?"

Shivers run through me, hearing his deep, warm baritone voice. Dressed in a tailor-fit black suit with a black dress shirt underneath, he strolls towards me with the grace of a panther. My entire body tingles, and my nails dig into the seat’s arm, trying to prevent me from jumping up and running into his arms. His lips curl into that sexy, confident smirk. And when he stops in front of me, I can't hold my composure and launch myself at him. He chuckles and lifts me up in his arms.God, I've missed this man.

Once my legs are around his waist, I stop thinking and smash my mouth on his. Our deep moans fill the air as our hands wander and inspect the other; his unique scent fires up my libido while the feeling of his robust body holding me tight relaxes my anxious brain.

He places his forehead against mine when our lips detach.

"How are you?" The sincere concern that I read in his eyes makes my heart leap. I brush my hands through his now tousled locks and grin.

"Much better, now that you're back. I've missed you like crazy. I'm in desperate need of some attention. So why don't you start walking to your bedroom?"

"Your wish is my command."

For a moment, Samantha and Leo pop into my conscious mind, but when I dive my face into the crook of his neck, I push it away. That's for another time. Now I'm going to concentrate on getting my well-deserved and highly needed Walker fix.



I lowermyself until my lips are inches from the delicate skin of the woman lying tangled between my silky grey sheets. Stroking my stubble over the side of her exposed neck, her sweet, warm fragrance overwhelms my sensory receptors. "Alex. Wake up," I whisper.


Her raspy morning voice reverberates through my body and awakens needs that are hard to control. I lift my head and meet her lustrous green orbs.

"Good morning, sleepyhead."