My mom and dad stare at us with confused faces. "Uh… What don't we know? What's going on?" my dad asks.

Cole pulls out his phone, and when he opens his photo album, I let out a small gasp. He gives me a quick wink before turning his full attention to my parents, who are still watching us.

"Do you mean this man?" He shows them the picture of him with his dad sitting on the piano bench. I bite my lip, awaiting their answer.

My mother's eyes enlarge as she investigates the picture. "Yes, that's him. Now I remember, wasn't his last name Walker?"

Cole clears his throat. "Yes. His full name was Gregory Walker."

My mom's eyes dart between the photo and Cole. "See, you look a lot—" She stops her sentence midway as puzzled the pieces together.

"What is it, Clair?"

Cole chuckles, seeing my father's confused face. "Your wife just figured out who I am." My father is still mystified, so Cole continues. "My full name is Cole Walker. "

Now it's my father who stumbles on his next words. "You’re... Gregory Walker's son?"

Cole nods.

Silence falls, and Cole swallows and takes a deep breath in and out as my parents continue their stare-down. I can't believe he just opened up to my mom and dad. I grab his hand and intertwine my fingers with his. When the shock wears off, it's my mother who speaks up first.

"Oh, I can't believe it. We have Cole Walker sitting in our home." She squeals now with excitement.

"Calm down, honey. He might not like this attention."

But my mom ignores it, leans towards Cole, and grabs his hand. "Oh, we were enormous fans of your father's work. But then we heard you play. Your talent being so young blew our mind." She places her free hand on her heart.

"Mom, stop it…"

"It's okay, Alex," he says, focusing on my mother. "So you have seen me play?" he asks.

"Oh, yes, we did."

"What? You two have seen him play?" I ask.

My mom nods. "Yes, we have. We've seen his father play many times until he injured his hand. Then, a little while later, he introduced his talented son. God, Alisha, this man is a magician on the piano."

Cole chuckles, hearing my mother's worshipping reaction. "Well, thank you. Glad to hear you enjoyed it."

"Oh, I can't believe it," my mom mumbles again.

"Okay, Clair, our daughter doesn't seem very amused by your groupie reaction."

Cole glances my way and throws his head back and lets out an astonishing deep laugh that resonates through my entire body. Butterflies do a backflip in my stomach, seeing that bright smile on his face. My god, when this man laughs, I want to rip my panties off and say, 'Here I am, take me.'

For the next forty-five minutes, we talk about other things. Cole asks my parents many questions about their cruise, and I know it's his way of preventing the conversation from going back to the piano.He's had enough for today.Thank God, my parents get the hint.

After a late lunch we say goodbye to them as we're standing on the porch.

"Okay, honey, drive safely, and if there is anything wrong, you call us," my mother says, touching my arm.

"Give me a hug, ladybug," my dad calls out while opening his arms.

I chuckle and hug him. "Ladybug, Dad? I'm twenty-eight."

My father crosses his hand over his chest when I let him go. "You'll always be my sweet ladybug, Alisha."

After kissing him on his cheek, he lets go and turns his attention to Cole. "It was very nice to meet you. Thank you for giving my daughter a safe place to live. It's a huge relief for us, knowing she has a man like you watching out for her."