"Yes, please."

"Okay, then why don't you take a seat, and Alisha and I will be right back."

"Huh?" Before I can respond further, my mom grabs my hand and pulls me towards the kitchen. The moment we stand by the counter, she turns around and glances at me with a grin. "What, Mom!"

"What? My lord Alisha, that is quite a man you've introduced us to. Not only does he have a handsome physique, but from what I've seen, he's a genuine man with manners. And this is the second time you’ve had this twinkle in your eyes."

"A twinkle?"

My mom's smile widens. "Oh, yes. It reminds me of when I met your father. The energy between you two says enough."

I lift a brow.

"Alisha, you gaze at him as if you want to eat him."

"Oh, god, Mom!"

She giggles and makes the drinks, but when I place them on a tray, she lifts her head and spills. "I'm sorry, but I can't shake the feeling I've seen Cole before. It's so weird."

"Honestly," I sigh. "Where could you possibly know him from?"

"That is what I'm wondering myself," she mumbles as she makes her way to the living room with a plate of cookies. I take the tray with drinks and follow her. After placing the plate on the table, I sit next to Cole on the leather couch by the window.

My mother offers him a cookie, which he takes and places next to his drink.

"So what were you two talking about?" I ask.

"I was telling Cole about our cruise and the things we've done and seen," my father explains with a content smirk. "And you won't believe this, honey," he says, looking at my mother. "Our daughter is dating a man who knows his classical music."

"Oh, really?" My mom's eyes shine like glass that is bathing in the sunlight.

"Yes. I told him about the classical music night on the cruise and how you are in love with the piano."

My heartbeat pivots into a higher gear. I glance over at Cole and place my hand on his thigh. He puts his hand over mine and sends me a reassuring smile.

"So, Cole, since you like classical music, do you have a favorite instrument?"

"Oh, yes. I share your love for the piano."

My mom's face beams, but mine doesn't. I'm too worried about how this conversation might affect him.

"Oh my god, that is amazing. Isn't it the most beautiful instrument ever?" My mom squeals.

"It sure is."

Suddenly she sits up straighter. "Now I know who you remind me of. It's that pianist who died years ago. Oh god… I can't remember his name." She taps her fingers on her legs as she tries to recall the name.

"Oh, you’re right, he does," my dad adds.

My heart hammers, and my stomach turns when my mother starts to throw out random names.Shit… I have to stop this.

"Enough. Stop it!"

My parents fall silent at my outburst. Cole rubs his hands over mine."Alex, it's okay."I look at him and find his eyes are like a calm ocean on a bright summer's day.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper.

"Don't be. They don't know, and they mean well."