"God, that sounds like heaven. But I don't think my parents would appreciate seeing or hearing their daughter getting laid in their house." She giggles when she sees my raised eyebrows and slack mouth.

"Y-Your parents?"

She nods as she brushes her hand over my chest while gazing at me with her sparkling green orbs. "Guess Emma didn't mention that I'm staying with my parents. So… what do you say? Want to meet my parents?"



Cole keeps staringat me with a deep frown line set between his eyes. "Cole? Say something."

"You want me to meet your parents?" He scratches his beard, and I shrug.

"Yeah. Why not? I met your mother. Now you can meet mine."

His hand travels to the back of his neck, and then it hits me.He's nervous!

My god, this man surprises me every time, but I'm understanding that with Cole Walker, I can expect anything. I bite the inside of my lip, hiding a smile when I recall the moment he and Steven started bickering and having a dick competition. To be honest, it was a fucking turn on seeing him being jealous and telling Steven I was his business. But the best of all were his words,"I want you indefinitely, Alex."I never expected to hear those words coming from him. I lift myself on my toes. And as I plant a chaste kiss on his jaw, his fresh, woody, enticing scent envelops me.

"Let's go. Their home is near," I say, pointing down the road.

We get in the car, and after a five minutes ride where I couldn't stop glancing at him through the corner of my eyes while gently caressing his thigh, we park in front of the house. "This is it." I motion to the colonial home built on an elevation as Cole stops next to me.

"So, this is where you grew up?"

"Yep. Are you ready?"

His warm lips touch my temple. "Ready as I'll ever be."

A swarm of bees buzz in my stomach when I hold out my hand and he takes it. Walking up the stone steps towards the front door, I enjoy the warmth, and the zest of life his touch awakens in me. By the door, I glance at his face and brush my thumb over his lips. His irises turn a darker shade.

I swallow, grab the key, and after entering the house, I yell, "Mom, Dad, I'm back."

No response. I let go of his hand when I see a colorful post-it note pinned on the message board hanging by the stairs. I walk over and read my mother's handwriting.We are buying groceries. Be back in a little while.

I chuckle. My mom installed it when I was living at home with the rule. If any of us leave the house, you must write a message saying where you were going.

I turn back to Cole, but he's not there. Before I can question where he went, I catch his chuckle, and I cringe.Oh, no! Shit.I power walk into the next room, only to find him standing there, grinning at the wall with pictures. And not any pictures, but photos of the young me.God, they are horrible.

I stop beside him and let out a frustrated sigh. "Okay, wipe that smirk off your face, Walker."

His eyes sparkle with amusement as they keep traveling and investigating every picture. My mom took pictures of what she calls Alisha's first times. Me eating my first veggies, my first steps, when I lost my first tooth, my first bike ride, up to the embarrassing photo of my face showing the orthodontic braces I had for two years.

"Cute." He snickers, pointing to the picture of me with braces. I smack his shoulder.

"That isn't cute."

"Yes, it is. This shows how proud your parents are and how much your parents love you. This house is so different from the house I grew up in."

He sighs, turns, and strolls further, taking in the two two-seater couches that stand on a dark green colored rug. His view glides to the two vases with white tulip arrangements standing in front of the window. Then his attention wanders further until they catch the item that is placed in the small extra wing connected to the living room through an open wooden arch in the wall.


"Sorry," I whisper while hurrying over to him.

"Who plays the piano?" he asks, leaning with his shoulder against the wooden arch while gazing at the dark walnut piano standing by the window.

"Both my parents are big lovers of classical music, but it's my mother who's in love with piano music. Years ago, my father bought her this second-hand piano as a wedding anniversary present. But to be honest, she can better listen to it than play it."