By the spicy sparkle in her irises and her tone of voice, I know something is up. But before I can contain myself, I ask the question that has been burning in my brain from the moment she left. "How is she?"

Emma crosses her arms—laying them on top of her belly. "I'm disappointed in you, Cole?"


The soon-to-be mom sighs. "Last night, when I talked to Alisha, she sounded hurt. I don't like it when one of my friends is sad."


"Tell me. Why do you like her? Is it only for the mind-blowing sex, or are deeper feelings involved?"

"Jeez, Emma. This boy sure makes you more direct."

She shrugs. "I'm direct because you men are clueless when it comes to matters of the heart. Alisha cares about you, Cole. More than she is telling you. Her saying she needs space screams that. Why haven't you called her yet?"

My mouth drops. "Huh? But she said—"

"I believe your intention with her goes deeper than just wanting sex."

I rub my fingers through my beard.

"She said that she misses you and Samantha." Her lips curl.

I stand up straight. "Where is she, Emma? She isn't home or at work, I've checked. And Amanda refuses to say anything. Except that I'm a fool."

Emma taps her chin as she thinks.

God, I need to know where she is. "You're right. I like her… a lot. Please tell me where she is."Damn, I sound desperate.

Emma pulls out a folded white note and hands it over to me. "Here. This is the address where she's staying. She told me to give it to you if I thought you deserved it."

I reach to take the note, but Emma yanks it back before I can grab it.

"You better confess your genuine feelings to her, Cole. If I find out you are hurting her again, you get to deal with my hormonal me. And trust me. You don’t want that."

I can't help but throw my head back and laugh. "You are an amazing woman and friend."

A bright smile sets on her lips as she passes me the note. "So, what are you waiting for? Get moving," she says, pointing to the door.

My eyebrows shoot up. "What. Right now?"

She rolls her eyes. "Yes."

A shot of adrenaline releases in my system and gets me into motion, but when I'm halfway down the hall, I halt. "But what about Samantha? I can't leave her here with you."

"Why not? We will take excellent care of her. You can pick her up on your way back. It isn't difficult. Plus, Samantha will love to see Alisha return. They have bonded from the moment they met. You're happier with her in your life. She is the yin to your yang, Cole."

I bend down and kiss Emma on the cheek. "Thank you."

"Hey, leave my beautiful pregnant wife alone. Get your own," Nick states with a wink ,and with eyes full of admiration as he stops beside her. I make my way to the kitchen and ask Sam if she doesn't mind that I leave for a few hours.

"Where are you going?" she asks, playing with a strand of her hair.

"I'm going to see Alisha."

Her eyes get sparkly, like diamonds. "Then go. And don't forget to tell her I miss her. I mean, I enjoy talking to you, but..."

I chuckle. "No need to explain. I understand." After a kiss on her head, I set the pace towards my car. Once inside, I program the address into my navigation and start driving.Six days of space is enough, Alex. I want you back.