"Hey, are you okay?" she asks, walking into the bedroom.

"Yep, dandy."

The hair on the nape of my neck stiffens, and my heart rate shoots up as I watch her walking to the door with the piano behind it.Not now...

"Cole? Can we talk about last night?"



I turn and face her. "Don't. I said, no."

She sets her hands on her waist, and a slight wrinkle line sets between her eyes as she frowns. "Don't you go back to hiding that vital part that is you. It's not healthy, Cole. You should—"

"Stop it, Alex." I bolt towards her and plant my palms next to her face. "Just because we fuck and I showed you what's behind this door, doesn't mean you get to advise me." I tap my flat hand hard on the wooden surface. "It’s closed, and that means I'm not talking about it."

The green orbs that blew up with passion minutes ago are now spitting fire at me. She presses against my chest and walks a few feet away from me. "Stop acting like an intimidating asshole. Where istheCole from last night? Or even the man from a few minutes ago?"

I close my eyes and sigh. "Just change the subject."

I twitch when suddenly her soft fingers touch my tense jaw. "Please, don't push me away."

I walk back to the closet. The tension in the room crackles as I slide my arms into a clean white dress shirt.

"So just like that, you're back to acting like the fucking arrogant shithead I dislike? I hoped we passed a certain stage last night. But I guess I'm the fool here." Her voice has a tremble that cuts straight into my soul.

I close my eyes and ball my fists so hard they get numb when her footsteps fade. It feels like I'm sinking into quicksand, and when I hear the slamming of the front door, I bang my fist against the wall. I inhale and exhale profoundly, trying to control myself.

"Shit, what have I done?"

With my heartbeat racing in my throat, I turn and sprint. I bolt into the hall, scanning the area towards the elevator in search of my salvation.

"Alex, wait," I yell when I see her.

She ignores me and gets in. I enhance the length of my steps, and when the doors are about to close, I stretch my arm between them.

Thank God.

They open back up, and my gaze goes straight to the woman standing against the elevator wall. Pain spears through me, seeing her wiping away her tears.

"Fuck off."

"Alex, I'm sorry, I..."

"I'm done with your fucking sorrys, Cole. You can't..." The ache in her voice and the fact she avoids looking at me tell me I hurt her deeply. I can't stand it, and I won't let her leave like this. I grab her wrists, and pull her out of the confined space.

"Let me go. Don't be such a goddamn neanderthal, I—"

Without letting her finish, I kiss her. My heart sinks when she doesn’t respond. I place my forehead against hers. "Alex, please don't leave. I know I'm an asshole. But I..."

She lets out a big exhale. "But what, Cole?"

Her eyes come up and penetrate mine. The hurt in her green eyes has me tongue tied, but after giving myself a mental slap, I manage to whisper with a restricted throat, "I'm trying, Alex."

She touches my cheek. "I know you are. But that doesn't mean I will let you talk to me the way you did. You keep pushing me away when all I want to do is help you. You hurt me, and I need you to give me space, Cole."

Reluctantly, my hands fall to my side, and I take a step back. "For how long?"