My eyes go over both friends since there's nothing but silence after revealing everything that happened between Alisha and myself. Brian is staring at me with rapidly blinking eyes. But I turn my attention to Nick when his bouldering laughter breaks the silence.

"Jesus, man. Drafting up a contract is a recipe for disaster. This tops the time that I bid ten thousand dollars on Emma." And with that said, he burst out into another laughing fit.

"So this was your genius solution to prevent her from diving into bed with other men? God, I thought you were the smart one out of the three of us, but I guess I was wrong," Brian adds.

I narrow my eyes and gaze at my two best friends, who seem to find the whole situation amusing.

"Honestly, why did you draw up that contract, Cole?"

I frown my brows at Brian's question. "Didn't you listen? By letting her sign my contract, I can help her deal with her issues and prevent her from getting into more problems. That woman is impulsive, but fragile since the attack. Doing this, I'm helping her, and as a bonus, it will help me get my mother off my back for a few months."

"So you're doing this because you want to help her, not because you've developed feelings for her?"

"No, I mean, yes. I like her, but you've seen how we bicker and disagree regularly. We're not relationship material. We both acknowledge that there is a sexual attraction between us, and we both have needs. I believe this agreement is the perfect way to resolve that issue. Now we can have sex without expectations. And when the sexual tension dissolves, we can end it without unpleasant feelings."

Nick pinches the bridge of his nose while Brian's face shows a smug grin. They both glance at each other before gazing back at me. "Okay, if you reckon that will work, we wish you luck, don't we, Nick?" Brian says, exchanging another look at Nick.

"So, when are you going to tell the girls that your mother is coming over to meet them?" Nick asks curiously.

"I'll probably talk to Samantha about it when she's back from school."

"God, I wish I could be a fly on the wall of your house to observe the first encounter between your mom and Alisha. I've met your mom three times in all the years we've known each other, but one thing is obvious: she doesn't like me."

"She doesn't have a problem with me," Nick says with a bemused smile.

"Yeah, because she approves of your bank account status. In her eyes, I'm the owner of a bar that gets people drunk and makes them misbehave."

My hands briefly ball into fists, and my jaw clenches together, thinking of the fact that my mom is coming over. Brian is right about her not liking him. My mom has different opinions and ideas about success and failure. Someone's heritage and their social status are most important in her eyes.

Nick places his elbows on his desk and leans his chin on his thumbs. "So, the reason you forgot the appointment was the fact that you were having sex with Alisha?"


Nick throws his head back and lets out another one of his bouldering laughs. "God, when Emma hears this."

Right away, Alisha's words resonate through my head, and I point my finger towards him. "Don't you dare tell your wife! I promised Alisha to keep this contract stuff between her and me. She will eat me alive when she finds out I told you two."

Now Brian laughs, and he slaps me on the shoulder when he stops next to me. "Didn't expect to see the day our bulldozer got his knickers in a twist by a woman. She's got you by your balls, my friend."

With flaring nostrils, I react. "You're wrong. I'm the one who made the contract, so I'm the one with the power."

Brian and Nick exchange another look, and I shrug.

"Fine, then don't believe me. But you'll see that this will work out just fine. If you two will excuse me, I will step out and call Faster to apologize and make a new appointment."

I rise from my seat and walk to the door.

"So, no details of how good the sex was? Where did you two do it?" Brian asks with a mocking voice.

I lift my middle finger as I walk out the door; their chuckles are the last thing I hear.

* * *

After closingthe front door behind me, I walk straight to the kitchen. I open the refrigerator, grab and open a bottle of Crown Ambassador Reserve, and pour the deep amber liquid into my glass. The citrus aroma with caramel and woody nuances fills my nose when I take the first sip. I enjoy the rich, caramelized malty flavor, balanced by its bitter-sweet hop character and its smooth, full-bodied mouthfeel finish.God, I needed this.

Stepping outside onto the balcony, I take a seat in my favorite, king-size chair. As I lean back and balance the glass on my knee, I rub my free hand over my face, letting out a heavy sigh, when tension spreads through my body like a wildfire as old memories come rushing to the surface. I try to ignore them by thinking of something else, and after a while, I sense a shift. The suffocating pressure in my lungs and stomach lessens as I welcome the excited heat in my lower abdomen when my mind wanders back to the pleasant encounter I had with Alex this morning.

The way she confronted me with the contract and played me by letting me believe she hadn't signed it turned me on. I have a weakness for her playful, sassy, confident side. My cock reacts as I recall her expression when I smacked her delicious behind; it was memorable. I can't understand how no man had ever done that. She screams to be handled with a bit of pleasurable roughness. My full-on dominant side wants to take over every time she is around me, but I keep it in check by remembering she's still recovering from her hideous attack.