"Why didn't she tell you she was pregnant?"

"I don't have an answer to that question. I wish I did."

"So you wanted me?"

I stare at her and watch how a glassy layer of sadness is ready to spill, and my heart sinks seeing how she bites on her lip to hide any sound wanting to escape from her mouth. Without thinking, I pull her against my chest, where she lets out another set of tears.

"You thought I didn't want you?" I whisper as emotions restrict my voice.

She nods in my embrace.

"God, I'm so sorry, Samantha," I sigh. "If I had known…" Regret washes over me like the long and slow waves on a shallow beach. How I yearn to go back in time. My brain fires tons of burning questions as I'm holding her in my arms.Why, Jessica, why didn't you tell me? Why did you raise our child alone?

Minutes later, Samantha sits back up and glances at me. She fumbles with the end of her ponytail, and as I stand up to get a drink, she whispers, "Thank you for not dumping me with a foster family, Cole."

I twist my head and answer as our eyes connect. "You're welcome. I'm glad you’re here with me."

When she gives me a genuine smile, I know I'll remember this moment for the rest of my life. "Do you want me to drop you off at school?"

"No, I'm taking the bus today. Thanks for the offer."

I pull my ringing phone out of my pocket and answer.

"Hey, Tommy. How is it going?"

"Not good."

"What's wrong?"

"Uh... Alisha is not doing well. She's having a panic attack."

"What?" My instinct kicks in."I'm on my way. I'll be there in ASAP."

I end the call and turn to Samantha. "I need to go. Alisha needs my help. Is it okay if I leave you here?"

She giggles. "Cole, I'm fifteen, not a baby. I'll be fine. Go, I'll see you after school."

With an urgency I've never experienced before, I grab my keys and rush out to my car. As I drive out of the apartment building, my attention drifts to a fierce blonde.What the hell happened? Two days ago, I told her I arranged private self-defense classes for her. At first, I wanted to do it myself, but since I experience specific reactions when I'm near her, I asked Tommy, and he agreed.

With an unsettled mind, I rush to the gym, and once inside, I make my way over to Tommy, who uncrosses his legs and takes an active stand by planting his feet firmly on the ground.

"Where is she?"

"She's alone in the private room. I've made sure no one goes in there."

I narrow my eyes. "What the hell happened?"

"Elli came in with an envelope that had her name written on it. The moment she opened it, she freaked out. I tried to calm her, but when I touched her, she launched her nails at me, and screamed, ‘Don't touch me.’ Man, the woman is hot, but one broken mess."

My nostrils flare at his insensitive words. To regain my calmness, I take a deep inhale through my nose while flexing my neck muscles. "Okay, you're dismissed from training her."

When he sees my furious expression, he nods and walks off. I make my way to the end of the hallway, and when I arrive at the door, my hand lingers on the handle. For a moment I listen, and when I hear nothing, I enter. Inside I find her standing in the middle of the gym room with her shoulders and head hung down. A piece of paper lies at her feet, and her laboring breath tells me her emotions are sky high. Not wanting to scare her more, I say her name while approaching her with caution.

"Alisha?" I stop when I'm two feet away from her, noticing her body is mimicking a statue. "Talk to me."

Instead of repeating myself, I wait. Moments pass, but then her lips move. Her voice trembles with desperation.

"I want him to leave me alone. Why can't it stop?"