I open the door and jump into their bedroom, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Daddy is back."

Both Axel and Harley are standing in their beds, eyes widening as they see me.

"Dada!" Axel yells at the top of his lungs.

"Hey, buddy." I span the distance, and when I scoop him out of bed, his little fingers brush over my face as I place him on my arm.

"God, I missed you." I kiss his chubby cheek and stare into his sparkling forest green irises.

"Oh, boy… your daughter disagrees with your approach, Cole."

I make a one-eighty only to find my sweet Harley sitting on her mom's hip, scanning her brother with a watery gaze and trembling pouty lips.

"Dada." She sniffs and stretches her little arms out to me. In awe by the oceans of love staring at me, I hold out my free arm. Alisha chuckles and places Harley on my other side. My little girl bends and rests her head in the crook of my neck while whispering, "Dada, Dada."

My god, the love for my children is pushing the limits of the universal laws.

These two are turning one next month, and it’s been a rollercoaster. The long or better said 'short nights' were the hardest. But after a few months, things settled, and now we’re in a pleasant rhythm. After cuddling, I sit and place both kids on the floor. Immediately, Axel takes off and crawls to the toy box, searching for his train, but Harley sticks to me like a baby monkey.

"Harley, honey. Daddy is staying," Alisha says, sitting next to me on the ground and stroking her hand over her daughter’s back.

"Dada," she keeps saying with her arms around my neck.My precious angel. She bursts out into a laughing fit, and her body squirms in my arms when I tickle her sides. Alisha laughs at the sound, and Axel turns to see what the fuss is about but quickly refocuses his attention back on his toys.

"Come on, Harley, let’s go downstairs. I brought presents for you and your brother," I say, standing up and placing Harley, who's pulling on my hair, over my shoulder.

"Cole, you’re spoiling them." She grabs our son and walks my way.

I bend and kiss her pouting lips. "Tonight, I’m spoiling you."

She rolls her eyes. "Actions speak louder than words, Walker."

I chuckle at my spicy wife, and when we arrive in the hallway, I grab the bag and move to the living room, where I sit on the couch. Alisha places Axel next to his sister. Their eyes are on me as I pull out a gift-wrapped present and place it on Harley's lap. Axel frowns and attacks the gift by pulling it away, which causes Harley to scream.

"Axel, give your sister her present back."

I chuckle at his pouting lip while still holding on to his sister's present, but when I present the next gift, he's distracted. Harley uses this moment to claim back her gift.

"This one's for you, buddy." Axel sticks out his hands.


I chuckle, seeing how Harley is already tugging at the paper. I give Alisha the gift-wrapped box, and Axel doesn’t waste time and attacks it with his eager fingers. We help them, and Axel’s eyes grow as he sees the box's picture. "Mama."

"Yes, Daddy bought you more cars."

Axel loves cars.

Alisha places the two toy cars on the ground and pushes them over the hardwood floor. Axel giggles, and the second he's on the floor, he crawls towards them. With a bright smile, he lifts his red race car and looks at me.

"Dada." My heart melts at the sight of my son's contentment.

My attention goes back to helping my girl unwrap her gift. Her little lips curl when I pull out the puppy that can speak and move its head. Once I flip the switch and the dog flaps its ears, Harley giggles while hugging the soft, plush animal.

My sweetheart is a fast learner; She was the first to say Dada and Mama, and when she did, I was over the moon. Now she jibber jabbers from the moment she wakes till she falls asleep—it’s adorable. I place her and the toy on the ground by Axel and sit next to my wife.

"My heart was bankrupt without you guys," I say, enjoying the warmth of my wife as she snuggles her body against mine.