
My jaw dropsat the doc's words.A son? I have a son?

Alisha's tears of joy fall as the words land. "A boy," she cries out. I kiss her lips, and we admire our perfect little guy.

"Do you want to cut the umbilical cord, Dad?"

I nod, and after she tells me what to do, I cut the fleshy material with a pair of scissors. The nurse comes over and tells us she’s going to take him for a quick examination. I’m on cloud nine, but I’m thrown back into reality when Alisha grunts in pain.Oh, fuck, we’re having twins.

"Okay," the doctor says. "His brother or sister is ready to come out. You’re doing amazing, Alisha. A few more pushes, and you’ll have your twins."

I take my wife’s hand and encourage her by whispering, "I love you. You can do it."

She finds the strength and places her chin on her chest and pushes with every fiber of her body. I have a newfound respect for women. It’s incredible what they can endure and how they handle pain. It takes three contractions before the doctor calls out.

"Yes! One or two more big pushes, and you’re there. Cole, do you want to help deliver your second child?" With a shot of adrenaline coursing through my veins, I move. The doctor smiles and explains what to do, and with the cries of my son in the background, I hold out my hand as the head comes out. Alisha gives it an extra push, and I hold my child, as my wife falls back onto the pillow.

"Well done, Dad." My eyes flash over the tiny individual and enlarge.

"It’s a girl!" I cry out while my eyes dart to Alisha. "We have a boy and a girl."

The doc smiles. And she helps to place the little bundle on Alisha’s chest. I cut the cord too, and after cleaning my hands, Eve comes back with our son.

"This little guy wants to meet his dad," she says, placing him in my arms when I sit in the chair.

"Hey buddy." I plant a tender kiss on his tiny head and wipe tears from my face.

I glance up at Alisha, who is admiring our daughter. "They're perfect," she says with a sigh.

"Now, what are their names?" the doc asks.

Alisha looks at me and smiles. "You tell them."

I touch my son's cheek. "This beautiful man is Axel, and our pretty girl's name is Harley."

"Welcome to the world, Axel and Harley Walker," the doctor says with joy. "A healthy set of twins added to our world. Well done, guys."

Eve takes Harley for a checkup, and I place Axel in his mom's arms. The pure love in her emerald gems as she gazes at our son makes me emotional. When the placentas are out without complication, the doc examines my powerful wife for the last time. "Okay, Alisha and Cole, congrats again. Rest and enjoy your new family. I'm going to come by tomorrow, and if everything is well, you can go home."

The doc leaves, and Eve places Harley in my arms. "I'll be back in a few minutes," she says, leaving us alone.

"You were amazing, Alex."

We both lean sideways and connect our lips.

Axel opens his eyes, and I grin. "You've got your mom's gorgeous eyes, son."

I glance at my daughter, who follows her brother's example. Two bright blue eyes stare at me. I touch Harley's cheek, but when she grabs my fingers and holds them tight, warmth infuses my heart and soul. This moment will be engraved in my soul forever.

"I love you, Harley, and I promise Daddy will love and protect you, no matter what."

A soft knock on the door makes us glance at the entrance. My heart burst with joy, seeing Samantha shuffling through the door. "Hey," she whispers.

"Oh, honey, I'm so glad you're here, but how did you get here?" Alisha asks with a frown.

"A cab," she says, coming our way. "Dad gave me money and told me that if you went into labor while I was at school, I could get a cab to bring me to the hospital." She stops next to the bed and glances at the babies. Her eyes go as wide as they can. "Oh, god, they're tiny."

"You've got a brother and a sister, sweetheart. Want to hold your sister?" I ask.