"I'm ready," Cole says with a nervous smile.

"Let me look at how far along you are."

When the doc checks, I pray.

"More good news, guys. You're five centimeters."

Eve hooks me up to two fetal monitors to check on the babies’ heartbeats, and she checks my blood pressure. Cole is holding my hand the entire time and watches everything they do with hawk eyes. The doc prepares the ultrasound and checks on the babies’ position. "You can call yourself a lucky woman. They're both lying with their heads downwards. You're sure you don't want an epidural, Alisha?"

I nod. "I’m sure, but can I have laughing gas?"

"Of course."

Cole squeezes my hand, and I smile up at him. We discussed having an epidural with the doctor, and I explained that ever since David drugged me, I get anxious about the idea of not feeling a part of my body. I want to be in control. She understood and explained every alternative. And I've chosen the use of gas, which this hospital offers.

"Now we have to wait until you're fully dilated. I'll be near. Call me when she's ten centimeters, or if something changes," she mentions to Eve as she leaves.

My fingers keep digging into Cole's flesh as the contractions come and go. I use the gas every time a fresh wave comes in. An hour of painful contractions pass, and I give my husband hell when my emotions peak as he smiles at me.

"Why are you smiling? I'm in goddamn labor! And it hurts like hell."

His brows shoot up at my reaction. "I'm—"

I cry out when a heavy contraction starts. "Oh, get these babies out, Bulldozer. I can't do this. I—"

"Alex, look at me." His direct, dominant voice gets my attention. “I’ve said it before, you can do this, sweetheart. You're the strongest woman I've ever met; if anyone can deliver twins, it's you."

I stare into his expressive eyes and calm as the labor wave subsides. "This is so hard."

Eve and another nurse come and go, constantly checking up on the babies and me. Cole replaces the wet cloth on my forehead between the contractions. The cool fabric refreshes my heated skin. Another half-hour later, I find the pain waves speeding up to a point I'm going crazy. The pressure in my vagina increases, and I push.

"I can't stop it," I say.

Eve checks. "Wonderful. You're fully dilated."

Within two minutes, Doctor Johnson returns with another nurse. She checks the heart monitors and starts talking while I huff and groan loudly.

"Okay, Alisha, you're doing amazing. Next contraction, I want you to push. And Cole, if Alisha wants, you can support her by holding one of her legs behind her knees and bringing it to her chest. That position helps open up the birth canal and will help with the delivery."

"Oh, god, another one is coming," I yell before sucking on the gas.

"Okay, deep breath in and push," the doctor says. Wanting this to be over, I do as she advises.

"Yes, that's it," she says after a few minutes of pushing. "You're a natural, Alisha. Good, very good."

"Oh, fuck. Why the hell is it burning?"

"That's because your first baby is crowning. Next contraction, I want you to push as hard as you can, and we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl."

I glance up at Cole, who places a kiss on my wet hair. "You can do it. Let's meet our children."

The next cramp wave is an intense one. "Ah, fuck."

"Push, Alex.” I close my eyes, and with my focus on my baby, I push, and just as I think my vagina will rupture, I hear a cry. My eyes shoot open as the doctor holds up a slippery little human. She places it on my chest.

"Congrats, guys, it's a boy."

* * *