My breath halts as I enter the room. "Oh… Cole!" I cannot withhold the tears as I gaze at the sizable space with two baby cribs standing next to each other. The entire room has the same soft but fresh green color, and the wall behind the cribs shows a hand-painted picture of a tree with cute little birds and owls sitting on the branches. I waggle to the window and glide my fingers over the white dresser standing next to it. From there, I shuffle to the rocking chair and bookcase filled with children's books and stuffed animals. I grab a sweet grey bunny with oversized ears and hold it against my tummy while my husband wraps his arms around me.

"Like it?"

"I love it." With lips trembling, I turn and glance up at him. "Thank you for finishing our home on time. I love you."

He places his hands on the side of my belly while lowering his head until his lips cover mine. "Anything for you."

"But what about our stuff in the penthouse?"

His lips curl. "They're boxing that as we speak. I gave the movers the key yesterday, and they're trying to move everything here today."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I'm not selling the penthouse, but I'm renting it out. That means only our personal and valuable belongings will be packed. The rest stays."

I wrap my arms around his neck and hug my husband. Straightaway, I grunt as a foot kicks against my abdominal wall.

"See, every time your hands are on my belly, they get even more active."

Cole grins with pride. "That's because they know Daddy is here."

I roll my eyes.

He looks at my abdomen and says, "Hey, Daddy loves you, but please go easy on your mother."

"Oh, fuck." My tummy goes haywire with two active kids, and Cole chuckles as various bumps and kicks in different places make it move. They love their dad's attention.

"Oh, great, now I have to pee again."

Cole lets go of me. As I walk out, a piercing pain shoots through my lower region. I grab the doorframe. "Aww."

"Alex. What's wrong?"

I close my eyes and grind my teeth at the nagging pain in my back. "My back pain tripled," I whimper.

"Why don't you sit for a moment, my love?"

I glare at him. "I've got to pee first." When the worst pain subsides, I take another step but stop when I sense a watery substance leaking down my legs.

"Oh, shit!" I lift my dress and glance at my wet leggings.


I turn and show my husband what happened.

"Oh, your bladder really can't hold it."

"Cole, that's not pee. My water broke."

It takes a split second for him to realize what I'm saying. "You're in labor?"

I drop the hem of my dress and waggle to the stairs. "Yep, so are you coming, Mr. Walker? It's time to meet our children."

He rushes over to me, and his eyes follow my every move. At the bottom of the stairs, he grabs his phone and dials the hospital.

"Yes, it's Cole Walker, and my wife's water just broke. She's carrying twins."

He hums. "Yes, Doctor Johnson said I needed to call if her water broke."