His lips curl into a sexy smirk, and when we walk back, he gives my ass a firm slap, almost spilling the drinks. "Love your ass."

"Okay, Sam, showtime," I say as I stroll into the living room. Samantha sits between her grandmas on the couch, while Jeremy and my father are chatting away in another corner. A few weeks ago, I finally moved in, and rearranged his entire penthouse. My colorful rugs are on the floor, and my purple loveseat has a place by the window. But the most noticeable change is the Bösendorfer, which is now standing in the living room. It has become a huge part of our daily lives. Since Cole and Sam love to spend their free time on it, I suggested moving it into a central area where we can enjoy the sound and the gorgeous looks of that instrument.

Cole talks with my father and Jeremy while taking a strategic place on the chair across from Carmen and my mother, as Sam takes her seat behind the piano. "Okay, this piece has a special meaning, and I'm wondering if any of you can guess what the purpose is."

"Oh, I'm good with riddles," my dad says with pride.

Everyone focuses on Sam as she starts. I bite my lips as the familiar tones of the lullaby "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" flows through the air. I glance back at my mother and Carmen. Their faces show no reaction.

"So? Anyone?" Sam asks while she keeps playing.

"It's a lullaby," my father remarks first.

"Yeah, that's correct."

Their faces show concentration as they try to make sense of it, but after a minute, it hasn't landed yet, so my eyes shift to Cole's, and when he shows his phone, I nod.

"Okay, everyone, grab your phone."

Four sets of eyes glance over to Cole.

"Come on! Hold your phones."

Carmen and my mom both shrug and take their phones out of their purses while my dad and Jeremy already have their phones in their hands.

"I'm going to share a picture that will make it clear."

Cole pushes a button, and four different beeps tell the grandparents they received a message. My eyes dart between the four individuals opening the message. My mom reacts first by letting out a gasp as she places her hand on her chest. Carmen has an incredulous gaze as she stares at her screen; and when my eyes dart sideways, they find Jeremy with a grin on his face; and my father, whose eyes are flashing between his screen and me, asks, "Are you pregnant, ladybug?"

Straight away, four sets of eyes are on me.

"Yes. We went to the hospital this morning."

My mom rises as she lets out a sound between a shriek and a cry. "Oh, my girl is having a baby?" She shoots over to me and wraps her arms around me. "Oh, Alisha! This is fantastic news."

My dad congratulates Cole, as Jeremy walks over to Sam and hugs her. When my mom lets go, Carmen takes her place and hugs me tight.

"You've made me the happiest woman in the world. Thank you."

When she lets go of me, both grandmothers hug each other. "Now we're going to have two grandchildren," my mom says.

"Oh, that's not correct," Cole states with a loud voice.

My mother's face tightens as she moves to her son-in-law. "Are you saying Samantha isn't my granddaughter?" Her fiery personality shoots to life as she pushes a finger into my husband's chest. "Samantha might not be my biological granddaughter, but that..."

Cole holds up his hands as my mother gives him the stare-down. "Hey, easy. I didn't mean that. Please, before you bite my head off, let me explain. The number two is incorrect because it needs to be three."

"They're having twins," Samantha clarifies.

Silence falls, but when Cole holds up the ultrasound photo where you can see two babies, both grandmothers burst into tears.

My father walks over to me. "Twins? Are you okay?" He cups my face in the palms of his hands, and his touch and the fatherly concern activate my emotions.

"Yes, I'm okay, Dad."

"You'll need a lot of rest when you're carrying two babies."
