"Language!" Emma laughs, while Nick and Brian both congratulate Cole with bright smiles.

"Jeez, you'll be in for one hell of a ride," Nick says with a wide grin.

Brian pats Cole on his shoulder. "Congrats, you big show-off. I hope they look like their mom."

"Hey." Sam lets out a noisy breath. "There's nothing wrong with looking like my dad."

When they see Samantha crossing her arms and frowning, both men stop next to the fifteen-year-old and hug her.

"That's because he gave you his good genes," Nick says, giving her his million-dollar smile.

When Brian lets her go, he gives her a shoulder bump. "You're the best looking Walker on this planet."

Sam’s cheeks blush crimson at the men's attention.

"And who is the best looking female Brown, Brian?" I ask.

His eyes narrow at me as he smirks. "Charlotte, of course!"

The seven-year-old claps her hands. "Thank you, but what about Auntie Amanda? She is a real Brown, and she's pretty."

"Yeah, Brian. What do you think of Amanda?"

Charlotte, who doesn't pick up on my underlying tone, continues, "Auntie Amanda was sad last time I saw her at Grandpa and Grandma's house. I don't want her to be unhappy."

The bar owner's eyes look to the floor, and his hands clench and unclench.

Emma walks to Charlotte and places both her hands on her shoulders. "I bet you that if you give her one of your paintings, it will make her happier."

"I think Auntie Amanda needs an irresistible man to make her happy, one just like my daddy!"

When the baby monitor comes alive, Nicks strides out of the kitchen. "I'll get my big man."

Emma walks to the refrigerator. "Time to cut the cake to celebrate the twins."

Glancing around the kitchen, my heart fills with joy seeing how Emma and the girls are slicing cake while my husband is talking with Brian. I place my hand over my belly.Let's eat cake, my precious sweeties.

* * *

"They're here."Sam launches herself from the couch to the door.

Cole places a kiss on my head while he has an arm wrapped around my waist. "Let the fun begin."

We invited both of our parents over to the apartment with a white lie. Samantha opens the door and invites them in. I can't believe how well they get along. My mom and Carmen chat as if they've known each other for years. Carmen has transformed the most. She turned into an open, kind woman who still gives her opinion, but suitably. And by the sight of their intertwined hands, she and Jeremy are doing well. I glance at Cole, who gives me a wink.

"Should I ask her if Jeremy satisfies her needs?"

I elbow him, but let out a giggle. "Are you interested in your mother's sex life?"

Cole's nose wrinkles.

"Ah, sweetheart, we're so excited to hear you play," Carmen says as she hugs her granddaughter.

Samantha grins as I wink at her. We tricked the grandparents into coming by, saying that Samantha wanted them to hear the new piece she had been studying. And being the supportive people they are, they said yes. Cole and I go to the kitchen to get drinks as everyone takes a seat in the living room.

"Ready to throw the bomb, gorgeous?" he whispers near my ear.

I grab the tray with drinks and turn to him. "Let's go, Daddy!"