He nods and kisses my cheek before rising and as I watch him disappearing into the bathroom, my heartbeat gets erratic, waiting for a response. I rise and pace back and forward.

"And?" I call out while staring at the door like a hawk.Why isn't he responding? What is taking so long?

When my stomach rolls, I rush through the door. "Why aren't you—"

My words falter when my eyes land on Cole, who's standing motionless at the vanity, staring at the stick as if it's a bomb. The nauseating sensation increases when he lifts his head. Tears fall from his cheeks as he lifts the test. My mouth falls slack when my eyes zone in on the indicator screen and read: ‘pregnant, three weeks +.’

"We're pregnant?" My hands caress my lower stomach. "I'm..."

I walk over to my husband and wipe my fingers over his face. "You're okay?" His hand takes hold of mine and presses his lips to the palm of my hand.

"We're having a baby." The intense emotions swirling in his orbs open mine, and the floodgate of my emotions opens another time. Cole grabs my face and kisses me as if he got struck by one of Cupid's love arrows. After an intense kiss, we hug each other tight, and we bask in the cloud of euphoria that has taken over.

"We made a baby."




I pick up on my wife's voice, but I'm unable to reply. My brain struggles to deal with the goliath bomb of knowledge it received a minute ago. I close my eyes, trying to help my sloth brain process the news, but when pictures get added, it's too much. My eyelids part, and I rub my palm over my tightening chest as my breathing pattern increases.

A hand presses on my shoulder, and I notice a voice saying, "Okay, Cole, have a seat and take a few deep and steady breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth."

I take the advice, and once I've stumbled into an armchair, I follow the suggestion as calmly as possible. Like removing the plug out of a full bathtub, the overpowering emotions in my body diminish, slowly and gradually.

A hand touches my beard. "Babe?"

I grab her hand, and when I glance up and see her concerned features, I plant a kiss on her knuckles.

"Are we ready to proceed?" the doctor asks. She smiles when we both nod and places the device back on Alisha's lower abdomen. I squeeze her hand while my attention locks back onto the black-and-white screen in front of us. The doctor moves the doppler until she finds the right spot. "Here," she says, pointing to the bean-shaped figure. The older woman presses a button, and a whooshing sound saturates the open space.

"Is that...?" I ask.

"Yes, that is your baby's heartbeat."

Emotions flood my system, and when I stare into the glassy eyes of my wife, I get up and place a kiss on her lips. The doc moves the instrument over the skin, causing the sound to disappear, but a few seconds later, the little bean reappears on the screen, and the upbeat melody returns.

"And this is the other. Congrats guys. You're having twins."


My body and mind swarms with overwhelming feelings of instant love and protectiveness. I plant soft kisses on the back of Alex's hand as we stare at our two wonders. Guess my brain has caught up with the fact we're having not one buttwobabies. My god, our thought-out plans need extensive revision.

"Can you find out the sex of the babies?" I ask.

"Not yet. That will be visible around twenty weeks."

I sigh. "How many weeks is she now?"

Alisha chuckles. "You sure missed a part of the conversation. The only thing your brain picked up was the word twins."

I send her a sheepish grin as I scratch my beard. "Can't blame me. This possibility wasn't on my radar."

Both women laugh. "She's around nine to ten weeks."

When my mind catches up, it fires other thought-provoking questions, and I let them out.