"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to say that Mr. and Mrs. Walker will open the dancefloor with this special song."

Alisha twirls and faces me at the announcement. Her lips curl when she hears the first tones of the song I played for her before popping the question. My arms pull her in, and with our bodies connected, we slow dance while I whisper her the lyrics again.

"I'm yours, Alex."

The rest of the night goes by in a haze of pleasure and laughter. We dance together and with others, but after many hours of sharing my wife with friends and family, I'm getting selfish. So, I walk over to the DJ booth and grab the mic. "Attention!" I gesture acome hereto Alisha, who obeys and hurries my way. When she stands next to me, I wrap my arm around her waist and continue my speech to our guest. "I wanted to thank you for a fantastic day and night. Having our best friends and family here with us on this special day has been a dream. But the time has come for us to leave and go on our honeymoon.” I hand the mic to Nick, before lifting my surprised wife bridal style into my arms. "Let’s go."

"Cole, what are you doing?"

"I just told you we're going on our honeymoon," I answer, while making my way through the smiling and clapping crowd.

"What? Our honeymoon will be in a week!"

"Nope, I changed it."

"You what? But, Sam?"

"Don't stress." I keep walking, and when I step through the front entrance, Alisha's eyes pop when she sees the black limousine with a chauffeur opening the back door. I stop and stare at my stunning bride. "You think I'm going to wait a week to have you all for myself? No chance in hell. You're my wife, and I want to celebrate that in a secluded place, far away from any distraction. Samantha will stay home while Amanda and Bella stay with her. And your parents and mine will visit."

Her lips turn up, and she brushes her hand over my cheek. "Okay. So where are we going?" she asks, caressing my mouth with her thumb.

She lets out a gasp when I suck her finger inside and swirl my tongue around it before letting it go. "Oh, where's the fun in revealing that surprise? Patience is key, Alisha Alexandra Walker."

Her pupils dilate when I squeeze her ass. "God, you're the perfect husband for me. Let's go."



The second the limousine stops, I let my husband's lips go.

"Oh my god, a private plane, are you freaking kidding me? I thought you were joking," I say, staring wide-eyed through the glass.

He grins. "You should know me by now. I said I wanted you for myself." After helping me out of the vehicle, he guides me to the aircraft. "This is Nero Onasis's jet. He offered it to us as a wedding present after I helped him with a valuable contract."

"My lord, it's enormous."

A smiling steward stands in the door opening of this silver ship. "Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Congratulations," he says with a foreign accent.

"Thank you," Cole replies.

The man guides us inside, and I'm in awe seeing the coffee-colored couch, comfortable chairs, a goddamn bar, and a massive flatscreen tv. But when he shows there is a bedroom with a shower, I pinch myself. I've seen this in magazines, but never in actual life. The interior decorator used the richest leathers, finest dark wood veneer, and topped it off with stone floor tiles. "Jesus fuck, this thing must have cost a fortune."

"A little gift from Mr. Onasis," the flight attendant says, holding up a bottle of champagne before placing it in the ice cooler standing on the table near our seats. "I wish you a pleasant trip. If you need anything, please push the button." He hands Cole a little device with a button and walks away. "Enjoy your flight."

Once we're up in the air, I open my seatbelt and slide sideways onto my spouse's lap. I sweep my lips over his chiseled jaw. "Did I tell you I love you?"

"Hmm, I can't remember." He drapes an arm around me, pulls my face closer, and takes control by kissing me until my toes curl.

"Where are we going?" I mumble against his mouth.

He pulls back and gazes at me. "Are you sure you want to know?"

I bat my lashes at him while nodding, which causes him to grin.

"I'm taking you to Bora Bora."

"Bora freaking Bora?" My mouth claims Cole's with fierce intensity. "We’ve only been married for a few hours, but you're scoring serious points with your partner." I place kisses on his neck and flick his earlobe with my tongue. "I want you."