"Are you for real?"

I nod and grab the mic that's lying on the piano and turn it on. "Could my wife please come on stage?"

Alisha furrows her brow but comes our way, and when she stops, Sam goes over and stands next to her. I turn my full attention to them. "I thank the universe every day for bringing you two girls on my path. Your arrival brought this bachelor mindless nights of headaches, as he tried to figure out how to communicate in a way that wouldn't cause you two to slam the door in my face or walk away upset."

Our guests laugh and chuckle.

"Thanks for not giving up on me. I promise you both that I'll try to be the best father and husband I can be. You two helped me heal a part of me I thought would never return, and to show you this, I'm going to play." Alisha's eyes widen as I take a seat behind the piano.

"This is a cover fromThe Greatest Showmancalled "Never Enough," a song both my daughter and my wife adore." I make eye contact with my mother, who's holding Jeremy's hand while wiping a tear from her chin. "This one is also for you, Mom."

When I glance back and see Alex's green jades, showing pure affection and encouragement, it strengthens my decision to play in front of this audience even more. The moment I set in, my surroundings disappear. I become one with the part and enjoy being back in the secret space that I create every time I perform. It isn't until applause breaks loose that I realize I just ended the song. Nick and Brian whistle loudly to show their appreciation, and my wife and daughter throw their arms around me. A satisfying sense of completeness fills me.

"Dad! That was amazing!"

"Thank you. Not bad for a rusty old piano player, is it?"

When Sam lets go and walks offstage, it's Alex who grabs my hands.

"I'm so goddamn proud of you."

She gives me such a searingly passionate kiss that I'm on the verge of scooping her up in my arms and abandoning this party, but Brian's voice interrupts.

"Okay, lovebirds, hold the dirtiness in for a few more hours because it's time to open the dancefloor and have fun." We stop, and with my arm around her, Brian continues to talk to the guests.

"The bar is open, and the drinks are free. Let's go celebrate that this piano boy is off the market." A loud cheer and applause set the night in motion. People walk to the bar, while others sit on the couches or stand at the standing tables divided over the room.

"Piano boy?" I mutter to Brian, whose eyes sparkle.

"Yep, it's my new nickname for you." Suddenly, Darius, the bartender, calls out to him. "Okay, I'm needed. See you later, piano boy." And with that, he walks off.

"Want to dance?" Alisha asks.

"With you, always." When we’re off the stage, my mother comes in and throws her arms around me while sniffing.

"I presume this is an ‘I liked your performance’ hug."

"Oh, Cole! It was beautiful."

I hug her back. "It felt good, maybe even worth repeating," I whisper in her ear. She tightens her embrace.

A few moments later, when she lets go, I peek at Jeremy while raising a brow. "And?"

His eyebrows raise, but a second later, he smiles and says, "Next Saturday."

Right away, my mom's cheeks flush crimson when she realizes what I'm asking him.

"Where are you taking my mom?" I ask semi-serious.

"Cole Walker," my mother states, embarrassed, while Jeremy chuckles.

"I'm teasing you, Mom. You deserve to go out and have fun. It's been a long time since you've been with a man."

Another layer of blush covers my mom's face.

"Cole!" Alisha slaps my chest. "Excuse us," she says, taking my hand and pulling on it, "I'm going to punish my husband for making that inappropriate remark. He’ll be dancing with me the entire night."

I laugh as my feet follow my wife's delicious behind. In the meantime, I make eye contact with the DJ, who has taken over the stage. I signal him by raising a thumb, and he nods before doing the thing I ask him.