As the ceremony begins, I find it hard to concentrate as my eyes keep skimming my future wife's attire. I curse internally at the rush of unadulterated lust affecting my pants as I wonder if she's wearing panties underneath that dress. Thank God, the older woman breaks my train of thoughts by saying, "Could the one holding the rings come forward?" My attention shoots to Samantha.

With a shy grin, she walks towards the minister, hands her the box, and sits back in her spot. "Cole and Alisha. You both made your vows. So, Cole, I'll give the word to you to say yours to Alisha."

I take both my princess's hands in mine, and as our eyes connect, my words flow out.

"Alex, when we first met, I thought it was by chance, but now I know without a doubt that the Universe put you in my path because we're meant to spend our lives together. Today I make the sincerest promise my heart can make to yours. I vow to be your constant love and support, your devoted life partner."

Her face has a radiant glow as she listens.

"I vow to be your home; to be your place of comfort and calm. To have faith when our journey is effortless and when it's challenging. And when we face adversity, we will never do so alone. Because today I promise you, my true love, that I will never give up, that I will always believe in us, and that I will love you for the rest of my life."

I turn to the minister, take the ring from her, and place it at the tip of my bride's finger. "This ring I give you is my personal gift. It's my promise of love and trust and pride that you are my wife. By wearing these rings, the world will know that I'm yours, and you are mine."

She lets out a shaky breath, but when I smile, she speaks.

"Cole, from the moment our paths crossed, everything changed. Every day you surprise me, distract me, captivate me, and challenge me. But most importantly, you love me in a way that no man ever has. I still can't believe that I'm the lucky girl who gets to marry you. I promise to be true to you, to uplift and support you, to frustrate and challenge you, and to share with you the fine moments of life. And someday, if the stars align, I might even let you win an argument."

I let out a snort at her funny comment, and the guests laugh. When my focus returns to her, she continues.

"No matter what trials we encounter together or how much time has passed, I know that our love will never fade. We will always find strength in one another as we'll continue to grow side by side. I believe in the truth of what we are, and I will love you always with every beat of my heart."

She turns to the minister and grabs the ring and slides it down my finger.

"Cole, this ring I give you is my personal gift. It's my personal promise of love and trust and pride that you are my husband. By wearing these rings, the world will know that I'm yours, and you are mine forever and always."

The minister takes over. "By the power vested in me, it's my greatest pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife. Cole, you may kiss your bride."

Before I can move, it's my passionate woman who takes charge by stepping forward. I chuckle and open my arms. She plants her hands on my chest and when she pushes herself onto her toes, I seize back control by claiming her lips. We moan as they connect.Finally!

"Hello, husband."

"Hello, my gorgeous wife." Her eyes sparkle. "Let's get this show on the road; because I can't wait to get out of here and celebrate privately."

She chuckles. "Sounds good to me." And with that, we turn to our guests, who are clapping and cheering.

The day flies by. We have a photoshoot in the extensive garden behind Six-Pack and a three-course dinner. Brian has worked together with the wedding planner, and I have to give it to them. The place is perfect. By the time night falls, they have transformed the main area back into the gorgeous night club it always is. This place has an allure, and standing here with my wife at my side is the best feeling in the world. Both our heads shoot up when my daughter's voice flows through the speakers, asking for our attention. We find her standing with a microphone on the stage in the back.

"Um, I wanted to say something to the happy couple," she says, pointing at us. I take my wife’s hand and walk towards the stage.

"Hey, Dad." My throat clenches when our eyes meet. "Thank youfor being the most amazing father you are. You showed up in L.A. after Mom died, and you didn't care that you didn't know me. The moment you realized I was your daughter, you took me under your wing." She brushes a hand through her long blonde locks and scratches her jaw. "Our relationship was rocky at first. I gave you a hard time, and we encountered multiple communication issues."

I chuckle, remembering the flying package of tampons. "But everything changed when Alisha came into our lives." Her eyes flow to my bombshell bride, who squeezes my hand harder. "Thank you, Alisha. The way you helped me feel at home and bond with Dad was exactly what I needed. You didn't give up on us. I love your straightforwardness and colorful personality. But most I love how you two give me a family, and I can't imagine the rest of my life without the both of you in it."

Her eyes travel sideways. "Okay, I'm ready," she states through the microphone. The curtains behind her slide open, revealing a black piano, and I frown when my mom walks on stage and stops next to her.

What is she up to?

My mother gives her what appears to be a piece of sheet music and whispers something in her ear. Samantha smiles and kisses her grandmother on the cheek before turning back to me and addressing everyone in the room.

"I'm proud to say that I'm the third generation in the Walker family who can play the piano. Finding out I inherited the gift of playing and composing from my father and grandfather changed my life. I love every single moment Dad and I spend together behind this instrument, and I hope we have many more. Because learning from a gifted musician that is also your dad is the best. I'm going to play something as a thank you to you, Dad, and also in honor of my grandfather. I hope you like it."

She walks to the piano, and when she sits herself behind it, my heart is drumming in my chest. The lights dim, and the second her fingers press the keys and the first tones travel through the air, I recognize what she's playing. This is the part my father conducted for me to play that night at the symphony hall. Alisha squeezes my hand and places herself in front of me when she sees my teary eyes. I wrap my arms around her, pressing her back against my front while watching my Sam. The way she plays this piece has me speechless. It is captivating from beginning to end. Her fingers fly over the keys like a hummingbird. The moment she finishes and glances sideways, thunderous applause ignites. I let go of my wife and make my way onto the stage to pull her into a tight hug.

"I love you so much, Sam. And I do not doubt that your grandfather heard it. It was magnificent."

"Thanks for loving me, Dad."

I place a kiss on her forehead and smile. "You make it easy. Are you ready for me to return the favor?"