"Mom, these past couple of weeks I've learned that it's essential to understand there are more sides to a story and that you should hear each one before judging. Like David, I've been assessing my past only from my perspective. That wasn't fair."

"I'm sorry for many things. But I can't undo them, Cole. I wasn't the best parent. Heck, I probably deserve the worst parent of the decade award."

A small chuckle escapes my lips. "A while ago, I’d have agreed with that, but I want to move on, Mom. And to do that, I want to say, I forgive you."

"What?" Her eyes flash to mine. "No, son, I don't deserve it.” Her lips tremble. "I'm not able to forgive myself."

"Mom, stop. I don't want to waste my time holding grudges or other negative emotions. I want to live in the now and not dwell in the past or in what could've been."

She lets out a sigh.

"Mom? Is it true that Dad threatened to take me away if you didn't support him?"

Her eyes go wide, and her lips part. "Alisha told you, didn't she?"

"No. Dad did."

My mom stares at me as I tell her what I experienced. "I saw Dad in a dream, and I talked to him. It happened before I woke up in the hospital. I found myself in a room where he sat behind a piano, playing." My mom's lip trembles more intensely.

"He told me it wasn't fair of me to blame you for everything. He explained how you asked him repeatedly to stop putting that pressure on me, but he didn't want to listen."

My mom lowers her head, gazing at her feet. "It's true. The bond between you and him had been so strong, and watching how he damaged it was heartbreaking. You two were my entire world. But the fights we had caused tremendous tension, and I took it out on you, and I regret it."

We stay silent for a while, but then I remember something I wanted to ask ever since I talked to her on the phone in the hospital.

"How did you survive Dad's passing? Because when I thought I lost Alisha, I wanted to die, too. I can't imagine my life without her."

She places her hand on mine and squeezes it. "Life after your father’s death was hell, but you were the reason I got out of bed every day. Even though our relationship wasn't great at that time then, I never loved you less. After losing the love of my life, the thought of losing you terrified me, and I reacted badly. The way I handled the situation with Jessica doesn't deserve forgiveness. The only thing I hope is that in time, you'll let me back in your life."

"Why wait for that, if we can start today? My daughter told me how you came by to support and comfort her when Alisha and I disappeared. That action speaks for itself. Thank you for that."

I pull her against me, and we stay in this embrace—no words. Another load of heavy weighing emotions I've been carrying with me dissolves. Yes, my mom made huge mistakes, but does that mean I need to stay mad at her for the rest of my life? No! It’s a waste of time.

She tightens her hug. "I love you, Cole. And I promise I'll be a better mother and grandmother. Shall we see if they want coffee or tea?"

"Good idea."

As we make our way back, we find Jeremy and Alisha sitting in the living room, chatting on the couch. "Hey," I say as we walk in.

Jeremy looks at my mother. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes," she says, squeezing my arm.

Choosing to create a better future by letting the past behind is a freeing feeling. I always thought my nasty demons would stay with me for the rest of my life because I deserved them. Now I understand they were tormenting me because they wanted me to set them free. They were there to remind me I needed to look at the past through fresh eyes and another mindset. I glance at Alex, who told me from the start that I didn't deserve to torture myself. I thank the universe for bringing this powerful woman into my life. An hour later, we leave the house. I send Brian a small nod when we get into his car, and he smiles.

"Good. Now, let's get you two home."

The momentwe enter the grand hall of our apartment building, Daniel rushes our way. Since our story made the headlines of the Boston newspaper, everyone knows what happened.

"I just wanted to say that I’m thrilled to see my favorite residents back. If you need anything, let me know."

We both smile at his warm reaction.

"Thank you. I'm glad to be home. We only need rest and no unexpected visitors at our door."

"Of course, Mr. Walker. And this is for the both of you and Miss Samantha," he says, holding up a small box. Alisha takes it and chuckles as she sees the three Boston cream donuts.

"Thank you, Daniel."