Cole shifts his body, and his lips curl into a wide smile. Samantha hikes to her father and fidgets with a strand of her hair while asking, "Who is that?"

He strokes Samantha's shoulder while wrapping his other arm around my waist and walking to the man waiting on the classic federal-style house’s threshold. As the older man's gaze bounces between Samantha and me, his lips turn into a broad smile, making the wrinkle lines next to his eyes deeper. Mineral greys conquer and stake their place in his thick black hair. After we walk inside, the man closes the door, and Cole stops us mid-way down the hall.

"How are you doing, Jeremy?"

"I'm doing great. When your mother told me you were joining us for dinner, accompanied by two women, I was more than excited."

The generous smile and relaxed manner radiating off him tells me he and Cole have a great relationship. Cole turns his attention to Samantha and speaks. "Jeremy, this is my daughter, Samantha. Samantha, this is Jeremy. He's been working for my family since I was five years old."

Jeremy holds out his hand, and as Samantha shakes it, his smile increases. "It's such a pleasure to meet you, and you're a beautiful young lady. If you need something while you're here, don't be a stranger and let me know." Samantha beams and nods. Then Jeremy's eyes wander to me. As he looks at me, he pauses for a while, then extends his hand to me. "So this is the woman that made it through that brick wall of yours," he states, exchanging a knowing look with Cole, who lets out a snort.

I chuckle at his witty remark and his wiggling eyebrows—I like this man. As I shake his hand, I hold up my injured hand and comment. "Yep, I am. I broke a few fingers doing so. But honestly, he's worth it."

Jeremy's eyes widen before he bursts out in a laughing fit. The incredible, infectious sound can melt any icy personality. Samantha and I chuckle, seeing the man brush a tear of laughter from the corner of his eyes before he composes himself. Cole pulls me against his side and smirks.

"Oh, boy," Jeremy lets out. "You're exactly the type of woman he needs, Miss Alisha." He focuses his attention on Cole. "Now let me show you to the dining room. Your mother is talking with the other guests."

"Other guests? I thought we were the only ones," Cole states with a frown.

Jeremy releases a nervous cough. "Your mother invited George and Beatrice Banks and their son too."

Cole's relaxed demeanor vanishes into thin air. His lips smoothing into a thin line.


He snaps out his frame of mind and lets go of me and focuses on Jeremy. "Sorry, but could you leave us alone for a moment?"

The housekeeper nods. "Sure, I'll be in the kitchen preparing dinner."

"Thank you, Jeremy," he says, placing his hand on the man's shoulder.

Then he turns his attention to Samantha and takes her hand. "Sweetheart, is piano playing still what you want to do?"

"Yes," she says with determination.

Cole inspects her, then nods. "Okay, then let's go," he notes, squeezing Samantha's hand and guiding us through the hallways.

What was that about?



Polished marble floors,high ceilings showcasing a large chandelier, and black and white artwork adorns the walls. Each item in this home portrays wealth. It's stunning, but I prefer color and coziness. I cherish the smell of tea or coffee and a pile of warm cookies welcoming you when you step inside a house. This place, with its luxury lacks, warmth—except for Jeremy. I grin at the man whose smile welcomes you like the warm sun on a freezing winter's day.

My heart twinges at the idea of growing up here. Compared to this place, Cole's penthouse is homey. At first, I rejected his place. I missed my mom and hated the unforeseen changes in my life. Now, with the relationship between Cole and I growing stronger with each day, and with Alisha practically living with us, it has become a place where I love to be.

A warm stream flows through me when I glance at Alisha, who's walking alongside Cole. She pulled me out of the colorless state I was floating in after my mom's death. Her sincere, caring personality reminds me of my mom. Her confident character is inspirational, and her presence adds a bomb of color everywhere she goes—I love it.

Another pleasant stream fills me as my attention goes to my father. Inheriting my gift for piano playing from him and his father, it's mind-boggling. And the fact of not having to hide it anymore is so freeing.

Cole has transformed from a hard to approach man into a daddy bear. Someone who is strict and firm when it comes to the daily tasks of cleaning my mess and going to school. But he also has a caring and compassionate side. Every time I walk in the door after school, he asks how my day went and if I need help with homework. And cooking together has become my favorite because, during this time, he answers my burning piano questions. My brain cells are bursting with eagerness to absorb the information—he knows so much. Every time I play, and I'm unsatisfied with it, he listens and identifies where I can improve or what is possibly lacking. He's the best piano teacher I've had—and he's my dad! But I'm sad to see he still doesn't play on the Bösendorfer. I keep hoping one day he will because I don't believe his father would want him to stop playing out of guilt.

A familiar photo hanging on the side wall gets my attention. It's the same one Cole has in his music room. The one of him and my grandfather sitting in front of the piano. It's a shame he died—I would have loved to have met him. But since it's such a sensitive topic, I stay away from asking too many questions about him.

Entering the dining room. I'm stunned by the large, oval-shaped decked table with a gorgeous floral centerpiece placed in the middle. It's a giant silver vase with an arrangement of blush and white roses, hydrangea, and snapdragon. My grandmother confuses me. One moment, like right now, with her hair up in a tight bun, she gives off a distant vibe as she's talking to an older couple. But other moments, like when she came to meet me and hugged me, she emanates that sincere, loving grandmother feeling. I get the impression she’s lonely. But who wouldn’t be living in this huge house by yourself?

By the way Cole’s posture is becoming more rigid, and his smile disappearing as we enter the room, it's clear that he and his mom have deep unresolved issues. Last night he wanted to cancel—Alisha persuaded him to go.