I stare at the little person, and my insides melt. I touch his chubby cheeks and whisper, "Hey Liam, I'm your auntie, Alisha, and I'm so glad you decided to come out because you turned your mom into a hormonal bomb for nine months."

Nick sits on the bed next to his wife and watches how we stare in awe as Liam sleeps.

"God, he's tiny,” Cole says, staring at the baby.

"Imagine pushing that little guy out of your body," Emma comments. "I can assure you, that doesn't feel tiny.”

Emma and I chuckle as Cole brushes his hand over the back of his neck. "If you put it that way, I guess he's a big boy."

"Yeah, and he was in a hurry," Nick says. "Because when we arrived here, Emma was fully dilated."

"Are you telling me you popped this guy out without an epidural?" I squeal.

"Yep. There was no stopping him," she says with a shrug.

"Damn, Em, you're a queen."

"Yes, she is," Nick affirms with admiration, and leans over to kiss his wife.

Liam opens his eyes and blinks a few times, showing off his inherent chocolate brown irises.

"Oh, boy, you will be a heartbreaker, sweet guy. You've got your father's eyes."

"And your mom's cute nose," Cole says, pointing to his face.

"Yeah, you're right. Want to hold your nephew, Uncle Cole?"

To my surprise, he nods. I take a step back and swallow in complete awe at the sight of this giant man holding a baby in his massive arms. My heart swells as he whispers things to Liam, who quietly stares back.

"Welcome to the world, little man. I'm your uncle Cole. When you're older, your dad and your uncle Brian and I will teach you everything about girls."

"You bet we will," Brian says as he strolls into the room.

Amanda walks in behind him, holding a familiar giant brown teddy bear. Nick chuckles when his sister's eyes land on the twin stuffed animal.

"Oh shit," she throws out.

"You should have listened to me and gone for the brown bunny," Brian says with a smug grin.

"Oh, shut up. I chose it for a reason, you donkey. A bear is perfect because I call my brother's hugs ‘giant hugs.' So I thought, now, my little nephew can get more giant hugs with this cuddly bear."

Nick courses straight to his sister and gives her one of his hugs.

"Thank you. And don't worry, two bears are better than one. Charlotte loves bears, so an extra one is more than welcome."

Amanda pecks her brother's cheeks and lets go to rush over to Emma and congratulate her.

"Now, where is the little man?"

"Right here," Cole states.

Amanda turns and glances at Cole. "Damn, you look good with a baby in your arms," she says as she walks over to him. Cole hands over Liam and takes a step back as Amanda swoons over her nephew.

"Oh my god. You are perfect," she whispers with a thick voice while brushing her fingers over his face. "One day, I'll find my prince charming, and I'll make a baby as good-looking as you, young man."

Brian ogles her with a pained expression on his face, but when he catches me staring at him, the well-known cocky, confident bar owner has returns in a blink of an eye.

"You and Alisha would produce a hot-looking baby too," Amanda announces with a cheeky grin. "Imagine a girl with Alisha's looks or a boy with Cole's height and Alisha's looks."