"It's delicious! Do you like it too, Giant?"

I can't help the satisfying rush of happiness every time Charlotte calls me Giant. "Yeah, it tastes delicious."

"Do you mean that?" she asks while eyeing my face.

"I mean it. Otherwise, I wouldn't say it," I say while looking Charlotte straight in the eyes.

"That's good because a lot of grownups lie to kids. I don't like it when they do that."

"I agree with you. That's why I always try to be honest with everyone."

Content with my answer, she nods and takes another sip through her straw while a few photographers take pictures of Charlotte and me.

"Why are they taking pictures of us, Giant?" she asks. "Are you famous? Famous people get photographed," she says in a low whisper.

"It's because they're wondering who the young lady is sitting beside me."

"Now you're lying," she says with wisdom beyond her years.

I smile and tell her the truth. "I'm great at my job, and since I don't have a girlfriend, they enjoy taking photographs of me."

She ponders for a moment and comes up with a surprising response. "My mommy is amazing at her job, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend, but she never gets photographed."

I can't help but laugh. I love Charlotte's sharp mind. The photographers leave when the auction starts, and Amanda walks up to open this special evening. I can't help but be proud of her.

"She's beautiful," Charlotte says while looking at Amanda. She turns back and studies me, twisting her mouth a little. "Can I ask you another question?"

"Ask away, Smarty."

Her eyes fill with gleeful pleasure. "Smarty? Why are you calling me that?"

"You call me Giant. I want to give you a nickname too, and Smarty suits you because you're smart and sweet." A bright smile lights up her face.

"Smarty is a fun nickname." She grins before continuing her questions. "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"You're full of questions, aren't you, Smarty?"

"Yes," she admits.

The light dims, and when Amanda talks to the audience, I wait to respond to Charlotte's question. With eager fingers, Charlotte inspects the paddle that is lying on the table. "Is this yours?"

"Yes, but I will not bid tonight. So, we can leave the paddle there." The first woman enters the stage, and Charlotte peeks at me again.

"Why aren't you bidding? Don't you think that lady is pretty?" She points to the woman standing on the podium next to Amanda.

"She is pretty, but I don't want to bid."

"Why not? Don't you want to be a daddy one day, Giant?"

Stunned by her question, I glance at Charlotte, but she's not smiling anymore. Instead, she has a somber expression on her face.

"Why are you asking me this, Smarty?"

She fidgets with her clothes. It's the first time I've seen this more nervous, anxious side of her, and I can't help but wonder what's changed.

"My daddy left my mommy and me when I was in her tummy, and growing up without a daddy isn't fun. I think you'll be a kind, fun daddy one day."

Her honest statement hits me straight in my heart. Feelings I can't decipher rush through me.