I chuckle, hearing her say “giant hug.” It's something she used to call my hugs when we were young.

"Thanks again, Nick." She kisses me on my cheek and watches me with a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah, yeah," I say, still doubtful.

Amanda grabs her coat and walks towards the door. "I'll text you the time, place, and dress code," she says while running out the door and before I can respond—that little devil.

I hate dress codes.

As I sit in my chair and gaze outside, my mind wanders back to the little girl calling me a giant. She was cute. But then, my thoughts drift to the woman with stormy, emerald eyes, and my body reacts again.

Okay, time to focus on work.

As I walkbehind the auction venue's scenes, people are running around like crazy, but when my eyes acknowledge a familiar brown-haired woman, I shout, "Amanda?"

Her dark eyes sparkle, the corners of her mouth turn upwards. And I know I made the right choice.

"Nick. You're here!" She takes me in. "You're looking handsome, big brother."

"Well, thank you, sis. Where do you want me to sit?"

"Oh, somewhere in the front." She guides me through a corridor packed with people working and points to a table in the first row. “There, you'll have the best view of the women."

I give her a sarcastic eye roll. "If you're trying to hook me up, it's your loss. I'm not bidding. I'll sit here and support you, but when it ends, I'm going home."

She raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms. "Oh, come on, Nick! There are gorgeous women on stage tonight," she declares with a wink. "And you can't say no to a beautiful woman."

"I'm done with dating for a while."

Amanda blinks and shrugs. "Hmm... okay. For how long—a week?" When she notes my bemused expression, she says, "Nick, you love women, and women love you."

I want to commend her on that when another woman comes and stands next to Amanda.

"Oh, good. You're back. Alisha, meet my brother Nick."

I give the good-looking blonde woman a hand when a familiar girlish voice calls me.


My eyes drop to the blonde woman's side. It's the little girl from the cake incident! She steps towards me and hugs me. With her small arms stretched, she glances up at me with an abundant smile. God, her bright smile can make your day.

"Charlotte. What are you doing?" Alisha asks while staring.

I squat until I'm on eye level with the girl—she beams, and I smile back at her.

"Hey, you! What are you doing here?"

She smiles. "My mommy is in the auction."

Alisha, with a curious expression on her face, focuses her attention on Charlotte. "Sweetie, how do you know Nick?"

"I met Giant this afternoon when Mommy almost hit his car. She was furious at him because the cake she made for Mrs. Peterson broke, and she called him an arrogant, insensitive jerk."

The girl giggles when she's saying this. I smile at her detailed retelling—but I'm stunned to hear the fiery young woman is her mother. "That was your mom?" I ask for extra confirmation.

She lifts her shoulders in question. "Who else should she be, dummy?"

"Okay, sweetie. We need to find you a place to sit," Alisha interjects, but Charlotte grabs my jacket and stares me straight in the eyes.