Page 162 of Simply Irresistible

"Is he okay?” he asks.

Right away, Liam shows off his vocal abilities. The nurse laughs and wraps him in a blanket, and hands him to Nick. He's in awe as he's holding his son, and when he talks, Liam stops crying. "Oh, you recognize my voice, don't you? You've got lots of hair, son."

After the placenta is out, the doctor gives me a quick examination.

"That was a quick birth, Emma. You've done amazing without the painkillers or epidural. I'll be checking up on both of you later in the day. If everything is okay, you can go home tomorrow."

As she leaves the room, Nick brings Liam to me, and I can't stop staring at this beautiful picture.

"He's perfect, just like his mom and sister."

"And as handsome as his dad," I add.

Liam gets fussy and Nick gives him to me. The moment I offer him my breast, he digs in and starts sucking as if he's starved. He places a possessive hand on my breast. I caress his chubby cheek with my fingers as I enjoy this bonding time.

"I'll make a few calls." Nick places a kiss on both our heads and leaves the room.

An hour later, I wake up as the door opens, and Charlotte bursts into the room.

"Where is he?"

I smile and point to the baby cot standing between Nick and me. She rushes over and gazes inside.

"Oh, wow, so he's been inside there," she says, while darting her eyes from Liam to my belly.

John and Martha are gazing over Charlotte's shoulder.

"Say hello to your grandson, Liam Brown," Nick announces with utter pride in his voice.

"Oh, John! Look at him. He looks like Nickolas." Martha gets emotional seeing her grandson for the first time. She hugs her son, and when she comes over to me, she whispers, "Thank you for giving me these two grandchildren, Emma. I'm such a happy and proud grandma."

I tear up hearing her say two grandchildren. Charlotte touches Liam's hand and Liam takes hold of Charlotte's finger. Her eyes get watery, and I know the bond is forming. My heart is glowing with pride seeing my two babies creating a bond.

While John, Martha, and Charlotte watch Liam sleep, Nick sits on the bed holding my hands. Then he bends, and after he places a soft kiss on my lips, he whispers, “I love you, Emma Brown, and our family. For now, and forever."