Page 149 of Simply Irresistible

In two big bounces, she jumps his way, and he catches her.

"Do you have more presents?"

"I do," and with another of his loud whistles, he gets everybody's attention. When everyone gathers, he roams his free hand through his hair. Then he puts Charlotte back on the ground but stays squatted in front of her. He takes her small hands in his and swallows another time before speaking.

"Sweetheart. From the first time I met you and your mother, we connected, and when I saw you at the auction, where we had a fun time."

"That's where you gave me the nickname Smarty."

"Yes, I did. Because you are a delightful, smart young lady, I can't imagine my life without you and your mom. So I wanted to give you something special. Do you remember the talk we had in the zoo, by the bears?"

Charlotte looks to the side and bites her lip. He squeezes her hand.

"Do you remember what you said to me? What you wished I was?"

She nods, and when she lifts her head, tears blink in her blue eyes. His hand dives inside the pocket of his black blazer and pulls out a paper. He holds it between them. She blinks and stares at the paper, and in a soft voice, she asks, "What is that?"

"This, my dear Smarty, is a paper in which I have an important question for you. Are you ready to answer it?"

She bobs her head.

Nick opens the paper and shows the text. Her eyes scan the paper, and then she reads, "Can I be your dad?"

An audible gasp comes from the audience, and Charlotte's lips quiver as her eyes go from the paper to Nick.

"You want to be my dad?"

"Yes. I want to adopt you, Smarty," he answers with a raspy voice.

Charlotte bursts out in tears and flies around his neck. She sobs her heart out in his arms, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. Everybody is silent, and the only noise I pick up is that of people snorting or blowing their nose in a tissue. I let my eyes go over our friends and family. Every woman is crying. Brian is swallowing, and Cole has his fingers against his lips. My eyes land on John, who is wiping a tear away while hugging his crying wife.

"So, does that mean I can call you daddy instead of Giant?"


"And can I tell my friends in school that you're my dad?"

Nick chuckles and takes her face in his hands. "Sweetheart, you can tell the whole wide world I'm your dad."

Her eyes beam with joy, but then she gets a serious expression. "But Thomas?" she asks.

"Oh, honey." I rush over and kneel next to her and touch her cheek. "Thomas will always be your dad, and he will have a special place in our hearts. But since he's not here anymore, Nick wants to take over his dad's job. In your heart, you'll have two dads."

"So, my name will change into Charlotte Brown?"

"Yep," Nick says while caressing her arm.

"Oh, it's the best day of my life. My top three wishes have come true. I will be the best daughter in the world, Dad. And I will teach the baby everything I have learned."

Nick beams with pride, hearing her call him dad, and they hug another time.

"That's funny you're mentioning the baby because I have the last surprise for today," I say with an enormous smile on my face. Both Nick and Charlotte twist their heads and stare at me.

"What?" Charlotte asks.

"Yesterday, when I said I went to the store, I may have paid the doctor a visit."

Nick squints his eyes. "Why?"