Page 86 of Simply Irresistible

His mom reappears with a slice of cake that she places next to the box. Her face is serious, and I pick up a hint of nervousness. Nick and I walk over and take a seat. It can't be that bad.

Martha fiddles with her black shirt. "Please, be honest."

I grab the cake and notice its dense consistency. Before tasting, I take in the aroma; a little vanilla and a hint of cinnamon. I take a bite, and both Nick and his mom hold their breath. God, it's drier than the Sahara desert, and it has no flavor. The consistency is so arid that I need to chew repeatedly so my mouth can produce more saliva to soften it enough to swallow. I try to keep my facial expressions neutral since I don't want to hurt Martha's feelings. Nick stands up and walks off. When he returns, he places a glass of water in front of me. The smirk on his face sends me the message: Told you so!

"You can spit it out," he says.

I shake my head, and after more chewing, I swallow the bite. I lift the cup and take a sip.

"And?" Martha asks.

I glance up and see she's waiting for my answer. Nick places one of his hands on my thigh under the table for support.

How do I say this without hurting her feelings?

"If you add more liquids next time, it will improve the consistency, and by adding more salt and more sugar, it will enhance and bring out the flavors."

Martha chuckles. "Oh, dear, that's the sweetest way anyone ever told me that my cake is dry and tasteless."

Nick and his mom laugh hard, and I follow. When we stop, I turn my attention to the kind woman. "I'll be more than happy to give you a few baking lessons. I believe everybody can learn how to bake."

"Ah, that's very sweet of you, dear. I'd love to," she says, rubbing her hands together and her eyes glow with joy as if I told her she won a baking contest. "God, you better hold on to this woman, Nickolas. She's special."

He leans towards me and places a kiss on my temple. "I know, Mom. I'm more than aware that I'm a lucky bastard," he says with passion in his voice.

Suddenly, his hand that's lying on my knee travels up and caresses my inner thigh. I place my palm on his and guide it back while giving him a heated stare. His gaze fills with amusement as he sees my reaction, and for a moment, we're back in our bubble. He tries a second time, but I'm not letting him. But when his mother turns around and walks away—she must have picked up on our little interaction—he tilts his head and places a kiss on the tip of my nose. Then rests his forehead against mine while sending me a lustful glance as his attention locks onto mymouth as my tongue slides over my lips.

"If you think I won't kiss you in front of my parents, you'll lose. You’re too tempting."

My nipples pucker when the intensity in his stare turns darker.

"Fuck it, you're asking for it.” He cups my face, and when he pulls me in, the back door opens as Charlotte and John walk in while engrossed in what seems a very interesting conversation.

My girl runs over to us, and Nick and I break our intense moment to pay attention to her. "Mommy, I've been in the treehouse. It's so cool. It has a roof and a window, and I can stand in it. And John helped me to climb in and out of it without falling. Isn't that cool?" She is so full of life.

"Yes, sweetheart. That sounds amazing."

"Come, let's give these sweets a try," Martha says as she joins back in. "I'm ashamed of letting you taste my awful cake," she says.

John sends me a bright smile. “It appears you might still have a chance of becoming a Martha Stewart with Emma's help.”

She gives her husband a teasing slap on his upper arm as she walks to a cabinet where she pulls out some plates and forks. After pouring drinks, everyone takes a cupcake out of the box and takes a bite. For a few moments, all I hear is the humming sound of people enjoying their treat and it's a joy to my ears.

"Oh my Lord, this is amazing. You're a queen in the kitchen, Emma," John says while digging in for another taste.

I giggle, seeing his reaction.

"What do you think, Mom?" Nick asks.

"My dear child, you have a gift. This is… just… a choco-orgasmic bliss."

Nick coughs and almost chokes when he hears his mother's words.

"Jesus, Mom."

"What?" she shrugs. "I'm just telling the truth."

"What is a choco-orgasmic bliss?" Charlotte asks right away.