Page 61 of Simply Irresistible

"A cappuccino and a glass of water, please."

"And you little missy?" the woman says with an endearing smile to Charlotte.

Charlotte raises her brows. "I'm six, so I'm not a little girl."

The woman snickers, "I'm sorry, miss. What do you want to drink?"

Charlotte gives Emma a questioning smile. "Can I have a milkshake, Mommy?"

"Sure. But a small one."

"Yes!" she jumps up. "Can I have a strawberry milkshake, please?"

The woman smiles, and after noting the order, she looks at me. "And for you, sir?"

"An espresso, please."

She nods and goes back while we inspect the menu.

"Can I go to the playground?" Charlotte asks as she points to the swings.

"Sure. Do you want anything to eat, aside from your milkshake?”

"Fries," she responds as she runs out. We both follow her until she's on a swing. I shift my attention back to Emma, and when she twists back, her eyes meet mine.

"Thank you for this amazing day, Nick."

I grab a strand of her brown hair and play with it. "You're welcome, but there is no need to thank me, but without you and Charlotte's company, it wouldn't be this amazing."

Her lips curve into a smile, and her eyes are full of lust. I grab her hand and squeeze it. "Woman, don't give me that look. You know that turns me on." Right away, the atmosphere changes. My gaze drifts to her lips, and I notice that my pants tighten at the thought of kissing her.

"You still owe me a kiss, Emma."

She giggles.

"I'm serious, Angel. I'm dying for you to kiss me."

Her pupils dilate, as I call her angel, and it increases my craving for her. Without waiting, I bend forward and—

"Sorry, lovebirds, for interrupting, but I've got drinks."

Emma sits up with flushed cheeks. I turn and face the server and give her a grin.

"Thank you," I offer as she puts the drink on the table.

"I have to say you have a lovely family.It always melts my heart to see parents so in love. So please, continue your quality time," she winks before walking off.

I turn my focus back to Emma and find her fumbling with her shirt.

"What's wrong?"

"She thinks we're a family," she whispers. And I see Emma's vulnerability. I lift my hands to cup her face and pull it towards me. I place my forehead against hers.

"I don't mind people thinking that we are."

She swallows.

"You and Charlotte are more than important to me, Emma. I..."