Page 159 of Simply Irresistible

Chapter 29

More vanilla will make this perfect. I let a pinch of vanilla fall in the batter and stir it. My hips swing to the music that is playing in the background for as much as possible. I'm a whale. Two days ago, I crossed the nine months. Nick has been a collected but nervous mess. Last week, he kept coming by to see how I was doing. Very sweet, but after he checked up on me for the sixth time in one hour, it became annoying. So when he came back the seventh time, I lifted an egg, and he got the hint.

This pregnancy differs from Charlotte's. The number one difference now is that next to my best friends, I've got my husband supporting me. It makes an enormous difference. I'm enjoying this pregnancy more, but it's been an adventure. My hormones have been messing with me these whole nine months. Nick dealt with it by giving me foot massages after an interminable day in the kitchen and cuddling with me when I got emotional.

And the sex? Oh, that's more than okay. My husband loves my pregnant body. He's been working from his home office, and I've surprised him a few times by bringing him coffee and my extra sweets. Most of the time, that turned into me sitting on his desk or his lap while letting him taste my new recipes, and most times, that ended up with me having his cock deep inside of me. Either by me straddling him or while I was lying on his desk while he pounded into me.

I rub my lower back as my back pain increases. It started this morning, and it's getting worse, but I'm working on an important cake, so I try to ignore it.

"Emma. Are you okay, my dear?" Martha asks as she comes my way with a basket full of ingredients.

"Oh, I'm fine. My back is sore, but that is normal with the size of my belly. Did you find everything?"

"Yeah, I did. This cake will be delicious,” Martha chirps excitedly.

"It has to be. It's a cake for Nero Onassis. So it needs to be perfect." Martha hands me two lemons for the fresh lemon zest. "This will give it that fresh explosion in your mouth when you taste it."

"Thank you, Emma, for teaching me how to bake and giving me these tips and tricks.”

Martha is helping me in the kitchen. She loves baking as much as I, and that's why I've made it my quest to turn her into an amazing baker. I'm teaching her everything I know, and since I've been baking for Clair's diner, I can use the extra help.

"Make sure you only zest the top layer of the lemon. If you zest too far, you'll end up with a bitter taste," I say while showing her how to grasp the lemon the right way.

"Oh, I can't wait to come home with a cake that's edible," Martha says with a bright grin.

I laugh at her reaction, and as I do, my panties go wet. My head drops, and I see my crotch go dark. Ah, why now, little one? I want to finish this cake! So I try to ignore it. But when I sense that the pain increases, I turn to Martha.

"Uh, Martha?"

"Yes, dear," she returns in a calm voice.

"Can you get Nick for me?"

Her head twists to me. "Everything okay?"

"My water broke," I explain in my most calm voice.

She looks to my crotch, and as she sees the dark stain, her eyes go wide.

"Yep, on my way. Stay here." Martha drops everything in her hands and rushes out of the kitchen.

As she leaves, I let out a painful grunt as a contraction washes through me.

"Oh, fuck, this hurts." I place my forearms on the counter and lean back. The pain pierces through my lower back. I close my eyes to focus on my breathing as the pain wanes. When it subsides enough, I stand up and gaze at my unfinished cake. Let me finish this. I grab the lemon zest and whip it through the batter when another contraction hits me.

I try to ignore it, but it increases to top levels. The spatula falls out of my hand, and after placing the bowl on the counter, I bend forward, placing my hands on the countertop. It's intense. I huff and puff, trying to go with it. God, these are level eight from the start. Then another follows, turning my vision blurry, and a stream of curse words leaves my lips.

"Oh, holy fuck. Fuck," I yell.

"Emma!" Nick rushes into the kitchen with Martha on his heels. His eyes are in full alarm mode when he sees me bent over the kitchen counter. He stops next to me and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Emma, are you okay?"

"No, I'm in goddamn labor, Nickolas. Your son decides he wants to come right when I'm making this perfect cake for Nero… Oh." I grab Nick's arm and cry when an abdominal and a back contraction join their forces. I was told that these back contractions are among the most grueling contractions, and I fucking agree. These are torturous.

"Come on, angel. We need to go to the hospital."

I nod my head while placing a hand on my lower back in the hopes it will help. But it doesn't.