"Yes, right now," Cole states, after letting out an impatient snort. "Emma needs to be alone with Nick. Tell him to fucking wake up, Emma. He has been sleeping enough. He needs to get his lazy ass out of that fucking hospital bed."
Brian pats Cole's back. "Okay, easy there, grumpy. What the hell is happening to you? You never act this edgy."
Brian stumbles to regain his balance when Cole gives him a hard shove.
"Don't call me grumpy."
Brian faces me and sends me a reassuring wink. "Go in there and tell our pretty boy it's time to wake up."
I give both men an enormous hug."Thank you, guys. You're amazing friends."
They give me a reassuring smile and walk off. After taking a deep breath, I turn and enter Nick's room. It's so quiet as I make my way over to the side of his bed. Like the last two days, I stretch my hand to touch his chiseled cheek that is turning into a beard. My fingers wander through his thick brown hair.
"Good morning, handsome." A ridiculous fairytale idea pops into my head, so as goofy as it sounds, I scoop up onto his bed and lean forward to press my lips on his. They're so soft. God, I missed this. For a few seconds, I hold it. Then I disconnect our mouths and sit back to stare at his face.
I let out an exhausted, disappointed huff—no reaction. My heart is yearning to see his brown eyes opening. Inside, I'm praying hard that the light in his soul isn't fading. But as the time ticks by, and he isn't waking up, the fear is spreading.
"Please. Come on, open your eyes." I take his hand back in mine, and as desperation spreads its wings, I do something I thought I never would—dirty talk. "I've been a naughty angel, Nick. I've got tons of whipped cream waiting for us at home."
Slowly, as I notice it's not working, my seductive voice changes into a throaty sob. And instead of seducing him, I voice my fear. "I can't let you go. I'm not that strong, Nick. I will die if you leave me. So, open your eyes and tell me, Angel, let's go home." I place a kiss on his knuckles. "Please... if you can hear me. Come back."
I rest my head on his thigh, and as I watch his chest move with every breath, I pray for a miracle. Time passes and the only thing changing is my awakened state.
I takein my surroundings while a soft, cool breeze sweeps through my hair. I'm standing in front of an old, abandoned house that's surrounded by white pine trees. Where am I? I've never been here. What am I doing here? Something tells me to go in there. So I follow the overgrown weed path, and as I come to the front door of the home, I pick up the sound of muffled cries. Who is inside? I stop and listen. Again, a sound that's between a sob and a cry reaches me, and it touches my heart. Without waiting, I enter and my eyes widen when they land on a man.
In an instant, my feet move, and I fall on my knees next to him. He's sitting on the floor with his back against a wooden cabinet. His clothes are wrinkled and stained with blood, and his hair has a disheveled look. His gaze is on the ground. For a moment, I wonder if he might disappear like Fata Morgana in the desert. But he doesn't. When I touch him and say his name, he lifts his head. My heart rate sky-rockets as I gaze into the deep earthy hues I missed so much.
"Nick?" I whisper.
“Emma, I'm sorry I couldn't save her. I tried so hard. But Cindy, she...."Tears stream down his cheeks, and as they fall, his shoulders shake with emotions. "She didn't deserve to die. It's my fault.”
When I realize what he is saying, I pull his face between my palms. "Nick, look at me. Charlotte isn't dead. You saved her. She's okay."
His eyes penetrate mine as he hears my words. "You're lying."
I shake my head. "No, I'm not."
His chin trembles as he gazes at my lips while I repeat the words. "Charlotte is alive."
"Are you sure?" His eyes search mine, and I want to answer, but I can't as everything, including Nick, is fading around me like an oil painting standing in the rain.
"Miss Campbell?"
My eyelids creak open, and I see a nurse hovering over me.
"Nick?" I lift my head and stare at his face. Fuck, it was a dream?
"Are you okay?" the nurse asks again. "You were murmuring and sounding distressed. That's why I woke you up."
As she says this, the whole encounter flashes through me like an old movie, and I jump up. The nurse takes a step back. I bend forward, and with my lips next to his ear, I mumble, "I'll prove to you she is okay."
For the first time in days, hope rushes through my veins as I stroll out of the room and into the hall. With a needy speed in my step, I arrive at the recreation area. I search the room, and my lips curl when they find Charlotte. I make my way over to her.
"Hey, cupcake. Are you ready to see Nick?"
Her eyes widen and lighten up as the lights in a Christmas tree.