Page 120 of Simply Irresistible

"Please, Miss Campbell, come with us.”

“Is my girl okay?"

"I'm sorry, miss, but we don't know. All I know is that they brought your daughter to Boston Medical Center. And we've been given direct instructions to get you there ASAP. Police officer Jenny Williams is waiting for you there."

A long breath of air leaves my lips. God, please let my baby be okay.

As Bella joins me, we get in the car. The moment we sit, they drive off. They found my baby. I gaze outside to a world that's flying by as we rush through the streets. In record time, we arrive at the emergency entrance. I hurry out, and as I gaze up for a moment to watch the bright sign of the hospital, I gasp for air.

"Nick? Why wasn't he at home?"

Bella shrugs, as I feel around in the pockets of my pants. "Shit, I forgot my phone."

She takes my hand and squeezes it. "Don't worry. We'll call him when we're inside."

One police officer steps out. "Miss, follow me."

We make our way to the hall when Jenny approaches us. My heartbeat increases seeing she's not smiling.

"Where is she? Jenny, is she alive?"

Jenny nods. "Yes, she is," and she puts a hand on my shoulder. "Come with me."

I let out a sound that's between a yell and a cry as Bella and I follow her. My entire body is alert, and my heart is bouncing like crazy as we make our way through a long hallway. My eyes are scanning every room we pass. Jenny stops and points to the room on my right. Without waiting, I shoot inside. A high-pitched squeal leaves my mouth when I perceive my little cupcake lying in a giant bed. She has a bandage around her head and an IV hooked to her left arm.

"Mommy?" she says with a weak voice. Tears fall and my legs almost cave. I rush to her side and pull her into my arms. Our tears flow as I'm holding and rocking my baby girl. Her chest and shoulders move from sobbing. It seems to come out of her soul.

"Oh, Charlotte, sweetheart, I missed you so much." I keep rocking her little body and inhaling her scent. After a while, I loosen my firm hold on her so I can look into her blue eyes. They are like the ocean. The blue hue carries her emotional currents while tears stream down her white cheeks. They're full of life, yet so uncertain.

"Emma?" Jenny's voice comes from behind me. "Can I talk to you for a minute outside?"

Bella walks to the bed and nods at me. "Emma, go. I'll stay with her."

A fresh stream of nausea fills my stomach as I glide off the bed. "I'll be right back, sweetheart."

Charlotte nods, and as she cries, Bella holds her and lets out a cry of relief herself. I walk outside, where Jenny is waiting. My breathing becomes shallow, and it feels I'm inches away from having a panic attack.

"Jenny, what happened? How did you find Charlotte? What is going on? Tell me."

"Emma, listen to me carefully. This morning at two-o-five, I received this text message.” Jenny hands me her phone and shows me a text.

Jenny, I found Charlotte. But I'm not waiting; I'm going in. Come to the address I’ve sent and please send an ambulance. Don't use sirens. PS, Cindy Calter, is the one that killed Thomas Green and kidnapped Charlotte.

Nick Brown.

My blood freezes as I read the text. Cindy? She… My eyes reread it. Nick… I stop reading. With trembling hands, I give Jenny her phone back.

"Where is Nick? Why isn't he here with Charlotte?"

"Emma?" I gaze over Jenny's shoulder into the long hallway to see who's calling out to me. My head is exploding with questions, and fear creeps through my veins, seeing Nick's parents coming my way. When they reach me, Martha pulls me into a tight hug. She takes one of my trembling hands and holds it. The pain and sadness in her eyes penetrate deep into me. "Martha, where is Nick?"

Her eyes hold mine while Jenny takes a step back.

"Emma, I need you to breathe, honey." Her fingers caress the back of my hand. "Nick has been in surgery."

Blood drains from my face. My mouth opens and shuts like a goldfish with no sound coming out. My brain is desperately scrambling to make sense of it all. Then my voice comes back. "What, why?" I stare into her eyes, burning with sadness, and my heart falls. It feels like I'm stuck underwater, where everything is slow and warbled. John points to three stools, and without a word, I sit in the middle one. Jenny and Martha both sit on one side of me. Martha holds my hand as Jenny explains to me what happened. John stands next to his wife and places a palm on her shoulder for support.

"After Nick sent me that text message, he went into the house. When I arrived, Cindy had already shot him twice. Once in his shoulder and once in his abdomen."