Page 119 of Simply Irresistible

"I'm sorry, Cindy. I never meant to hurt you. But there's more to a woman than her stunning looks and the height of her bank account."

I find her gaze and hold it.

"I love Emma, and that will never change. So please, I beg you. Give me Charlotte. Let me take her home. And I'll let you go. I won't follow you or stop you. Just leave and never come back."

Seconds feel like hours as she thinks over my words. Then she bends and whispers something in Charlotte's ear. The little girl's eyes get watery and her nose flares with heightened emotions as she listens. I try to overhear it, but they are too far away to make out what she says. Cindy stands up straight and looks at me.

"You get the kid, but you let me go. Without a fight?"

I nod.

She pushes against Charlotte's shoulder. "Move!"

Charlotte shakes her head, but when Cindy waves her large, sharp knife in front of her face, her feet shuffle forward. Smarty holds my gaze as if she's trying to tell me something. My heart is banging in my chest as they shuffle my way. Something is off. What am I going to do? My eyes fly from Charlotte to Cindy's hand, holding the knife. And I decide. Just two more meters, and then they're within my reach. Charlotte keeps shuffling slow steps forward.

"For God's sake, kid, move a little faster."

Cindy's eyes dart down, and I can sense her irritation. Suddenly, she pushes Charlotte with full force to the side. The little girl flies, and as she loses her balance, she falls and hits her head against the hard wooden cabinet. I drop every idea I had in my head and move. I drop to my knees next to Charlotte, who’s lying on her side. She's not moving, and blood trickles out of the small cut on her forehead. I remove the tape from her mouth and touch her small cheek. "Charlotte, honey, open your eyes." I touch her hand. “Sweetheart, please.” But she doesn't respond.

"Look at you, Nicky." Cindy's voice and the sound of metal hitting the floor gets my attention. I pivot and my eyes enlarge at the sight of a gun pointing at me. Shit. I stand up and move my body in front of Charlotte’s.

"You chose a housewife and her kid above me," she screams like a psychotic, crazy woman. "I will make that bitch pay by taking everyone she ever loved away from her. And you, Nick, are the next one in line. Goodbye."

Before I can react, she fires twice. An extreme burning sensation follows in my shoulder and stomach area. The pain has an unpleasant warmth to it. There's nausea too, enough to make me stumble back and I fall with my back against the wall. I sit on the ground and breathe slowly. I've often prized myself in ignoring pain and just rocking on regardless of it, but that just isn't possible right now. This pain owns me—it dominates every thought and controls every action at this moment. I look down and see blood staining my shirt in two places. I press one hand against the wound in my abdomen while Cindy's feet move my way. My eyes glide up, and my blood freezes in my veins when I notice she focuses on Charlotte, who's lying defenseless on the floor.

God… No!Tears blur my vision at the realization of what she has in mind. What have I done?

I close my eyes for a split second to summon every fiber of strength left in me. Then I open and crawl over the ground to Charlotte. My mind screams out as the pain drives through my body, but I ignore it the best I can. And as I come closer, I beg with a throaty voice.

"Please, Cindy. Please don't shoot Charlotte. Empty the fucking gun on me if that makes you feel better, but not on that innocent child. Kill me," I cry. My hands tremble, and my vision becomes foggy. She grins mischievously at me.

"Too late, Nicky. You had your chance. You couldn't forgive me for cheating on you. Now I can't forgive you for choosing them over me."

Tears stream down my face as I push my body towards Charlotte, and when I reach her, I lean my aching and burning body over hers the best that I can. With my last strength, I whisper, "Pl… please, Cindy… don't..."

She stands in front of us, pointing her gun. A sinister smile of pleasure covers her features. "I'm so sorry, Smarty. I love you," I whisper. The world spins, and with the sound of gunshots filling my ears, darkness takes over.

* * *

"Emma? Emma... Where are you?"

My eyes spurt open. What? Where am I? Confused, I roam my hands through my hair as I take in my surroundings. I'm on Charlotte's bed under the covers. What the hell am I doing here? Was I sleeping? My mind is racing as it's trying to put the puzzle pieces together. I sit myself up when I hear someone scream my name again.

"Emma... Answer me."

"I'm here," I call out.

The door flies open, and Bella bursts through the door—her eyes full of fire.

"Get dressed," she says. "They found Charlotte."


"The police are standing at the front door waiting." Within a second, I jump off the bed, run past Bella to my room, and slide into pants and the first shirt I can get my hands on. I grab my sneakers, and on my bare feet, I run to the door.

"Miss Campbell?" one of the officers asks.

"Yes. Did you find my girl? Did you find Charlotte?"