Page 49 of Be The One

I wanted to press, but Blake interjected, and Adam appeared. The conversation carried on, and I managed to hold up my end. I let my gaze drift around the space. Christmas decorations were up with lights strung above the bar, and clusters of spruce boughs with bright red bows were mounted in intervals on the walls. Locals’ night next week would be an early Thanksgiving for the town. We coordinated with a local nonprofit to offer a free dinner earlier in the day to families in need and gave away turkeys until they ran out.

My mother had mentioned we were having Thanksgiving with Quinn’s family. Our families had had Thanksgiving together since we were little kids, so it was nothing unusual. But lately, everything with Quinn had a new thread of tension woven through it. My mind spun back to my conversation about an hour ago with Rhys. I had confided in him that Quinn wanted to have a baby. I even admitted to falling in love with Quinn, but I was afraid I couldn’t be the one she needed.

He told me it was never simple and that he had more faith in me than I had in myself.

At some point during the hour or so that I was there, a group of us went into the restaurant for dinner. I sat beside Adam, with Quinn on my other side. While eating, a casual friend, Melanie, paused by the table. Melanie had grown up in Fireweed Harbor. She and I had something like a friends-with-benefits arrangement for a while, but it had petered out when it became clear she wanted something more.

She’d been the one to break it off. She was happily engaged now and expecting a baby.

“When’s the baby due?” Tessa asked with a wink as she smiled over at her.

“Three months. I still can’t believe how fast the time has gone by.” Melanie smoothed her hand over her belly.

“Here’s hoping the rest of your pregnancy remains uneventful,” Tessa said as she held up her bottle of mead, toasting Melanie in the air.

Melanie smiled. “Thank you.”

It was a nothing interaction, or so I thought. Until I glanced down and saw the look in Quinn’s eyes. Her mouth was tight at the corners, and something about her gaze was almost wistful.

* * *

Thanksgiving Day

“I’m so full!” McKenna said as she closed the dishwasher.

“Isn’t that expected on Thanksgiving?” Rhys teased. He hung the dish towel over the oven door handle before turning and leaning his hips against the counter.

“Definitely expected,” I replied.

The hum of voices from the dining room at my mother’s house carried into the kitchen. I glanced around, experiencing a sense of warmth. All my siblings were here, and it felt good to be together. My eyes were drawn toward the archway between the kitchen and dining area when Quinn walked past, disappearing down the hallway. I presumed she was going to the bathroom.

I wasn’t thinking when I turned and followed her as McKenna said something to Griffin. The doorway to the bathroom down that hall was closed. I waited across from it, stuffing my hands in my pockets and leaning my head against the wall.

As soon as I heard the toilet flush and the water running in the sink, my heart started pounding in anticipation. Quinn had been here for hours with her parents, and we hadn’t had a second alone.

She stepped out of the bathroom, her eyes widening when she saw me. “Hey,” I said.

“Hey.” Her eyes darted down the hallway toward the dining room.

“Don’t worry. Just wondering if I can come over tonight.”

I saw her shoulders rise as she took a quick breath in. “Sure.”

“Great, then I’ll see you later.”

She started to walk down the hall before turning back quickly. “My mom wants to know if you can come over tomorrow when we hang the lights on the tree in front of my parents’ house. She’s worried about my dad getting on the ladder.” Quinn’s lips twisted to the side with a wry smile. “She somehow wants it to be all casual so my dad doesn’t notice that you’re doing all the work on the ladder.”

I chuckled. “Understood. Of course I’ll help. What time should I plan to go over?”

“We usually do it in the afternoon. Maybe three?”

“I’ll be there.”

I wanted to pull her close and kiss her, but I knew that wouldn’t fly. Anybody could come down this hallway at any second.

“I’ll see you later,” I said, keeping my tone low.

She nodded before she whisked away, hurrying down the short hallway and disappearing out of sight.