Page 22 of Be The One

Blake drummed his fingertips on the table where we sat in one of the smaller brewing rooms in the winery and brewery production area. This was the flagship location for the corporation, back where it all began. This warehouse was attached to the restaurant. It was a town favorite and always busy. Despite its local popularity, it only brought in a small drop of the income for our family’s business.

“I’ll take care of it when we go to Willow Brook next week,” I added. “Any updates from David on that end, or Archer?” I glanced at Blake.

David managed the restaurant end of things here after recently stepping down from being our longtime chef. Fiona had taken over as chef and was doing a phenomenal job.

We discussed the planned opening of another brewery, winery, and restaurant location in Willow Brook, where Fireweed Industries had recently opened a renewable energy business in collaboration with another business in Alaska. That was all being run by our cousin, Archer, and half-brother, Chase, in Willow Brook, while David helped with the organization side of things.

“Smooth sailing,” Blake replied. “Except for this permit issue.”

“Which isn’t related to that,” Adam chimed in.

The issue in question was a minor land dispute related to a mine Fireweed Industries used to run but had since closed down. We wanted to return the land to a local tribe, and another business was disputing it. Not because they had any claim but because they wanted the land.

“I’m sure Quinn has tidied up all of the legal loose ends,” I said with confidence.

“Always. We just want to be present at the meeting to support the tribe,” Adam said as he shook his head. “It’s not a good look when companies try to take over things like that.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t think they really care about how it looks,” I offered.

“Speaking of Quinn,” Adam commented, “is she doing okay?”

I ignored the subtle twist of uncertainty in my chest. “Yeah, why do you ask?”

My twin shrugged. “Not sure. She just seemed a little…” He cocked his head to the side, pressing his tongue into his cheek. “Off today, I guess, when I saw her.”

“Oh,” I said, keeping my tone casual. “Maybe there’s something going on I don’t know about.”

“Dude, you and Quinn are besties,” Blake interjected. “Don’t you know everything?”

I felt a low rise of heat inside. For fuck’s sake, I couldn’t even think about Quinn without a visceral reminder of our recent encounters.

“I don’t know everything. We’re good friends, but…” I shrugged. “That still doesn’t mean I know everything.” I looked toward Adam. “You’re my twin brother. I don’t assume I know everything about you.”

“Pretty sure you do.” Adam chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. “Fair enough. You pretty much know everything about me.”

Blake grinned at us. “I can’t imagine what it’s like to be a twin even though I have two sets of twin brothers. I don’t know if I’d want to feel like somebody knew everything,” he pointed out.

“It’s not quite like that,” Adam replied. “It’s not about the details. It’s a vibe thing.” He glanced at me. “You know what I mean?”


Blake opened his mouth to reply when one of the brewers appeared in the doorway. “Blake, you got a sec?”

He stood quickly. “Sure do. Catch you guys later,” he tossed over his shoulder as he left the room.

Adam was looking at me when I turned back. “What?” I asked.

“Speaking of that vibe thing, my gut tells me something’s up with you and Quinn.”

I wanted to deny it, but Adam would sense I was lying. Resting my elbows on the table, I let out a heartfelt sigh. “I kissed her. More than once.” I didn’t need to shareallof the details.

Adam looked genuinely surprised, his brows hitching up. “Well, damn. Wasn’t expecting you to say that. I told you a few years ago that I thought you two would make a great couple. You said no way, no how, never, that there was zero chemistry,” he pointed out as he shook his head slowly. “What changed?”

I ran a hand through my hair. “I was being honest when I said there was no chemistry then. That seems to have changed, and now I don’t know what the fuck to do.”

“I think you need to tread carefully if you don’t want to blow up your friendship.”