Page 27 of Be The One

Just then, the door across the hall from her cabin opened. Quinn pulled the door shut on her room, quickly stepping back.

An elderly couple came out and smiled over at us. “Hi,” the woman said.

“Hello,” Quinn and I said simultaneously. I gestured for the couple to walk ahead of us down the narrow hallway.

A few minutes later, Quinn and I sat at the booth with our dinner trays in the cafeteria as the elderly couple strolled around with their trays. No empty booths were available. I glanced over at Quinn. “We should let them sit with us.”

Her gaze followed mine. “Oh, of course.”

She scooted to the side of her booth as I did the same, calling over to them, “You’re welcome to share our booth.”

They sat down, both thanking us profusely. After introductions, we chatted about the weather, the trip, learning that they were from Haines, and taking a trip up to Anchorage to visit family.

“We love taking the ferry,” Maria said.

Her husband, Mike, chimed in, “We do!”

“And what about you two?” Maria prompted.

“Oh, we’re taking the ferry to Whittier and getting a rental car to go to Willow Brook for a business and family event,” I offered.

Maria smiled brightly. “I love seeing young couples. The ferry is good luck for married couples.”

I opened my mouth to correct them when Mike nodded in agreement. “We were married on a ferry trip. It’s a good luck charm for our whole marriage.”

“Oh, that’s really sweet,” Quinn said. “By the way, we’re not married, just friends.”

Maria looked back and forth between us. “You’re not? Well, you make an excellent couple. I know young people are different, but I can tell by just a few minutes with you two. You’re more than friends and make a solid couple.”

Once again, Mike chimed in, “Absolutely. My Maria knows when a couple is going to make it.” His gaze slid to mine. “Don’t let her get away.”

I felt Quinn’s foot nudge mine under the table and could see the laughter dancing in her eyes. A few minutes later, we had finished our dinners. We said our goodbyes and made our way out of the cafeteria.

“When does the movie start?” Quinn asked a few minutes later as we stood out by the railing. Darkness had fallen, and it was decidedly cold out on the deck. Quinn had wanted to come out and look at the stars.

I glanced at my watch, tapping so that the digital screen was visible. “Ten minutes. We should get in there. It’s been a while since I was on the ferry for a movie, but it can fill up pretty quickly.”

“We should stop by our rooms and grab a blanket or something.”

Quinn leaned her head back and took a deep, audible breath. “I love the air at night on the ferry. It’s probably the freshest air in the world.”

I took my own breath. The air was crisp and cold, scented with salt from the ocean. The stars shone brightly, and the moon rose in the sky, leaving a glittering path on the ocean’s dark surface.

Moments later, we had fetched blankets and pillows from our rooms. Quinn huffed, but let me carry them. We found a spot off to the side toward the back after getting popcorn from the cafeteria.

Quinn smiled over at me when the lights started to dim. “It feels like a slumber party.” She adjusted the pillows behind her, leaning against the wall.

The movie started. My mind barely focused on it, with most of my thoughts acutely aware of Quinn’s presence beside me under the blanket. My body was tight with anticipation racing in a loop. Need and desire feathered the gas pedal of my body’s engine faster and faster.

At some point, Quinn shifted, and her knee brushed against mine. The empty popcorn bucket was by her side. Ihadto touch her. Placing my palm on her thigh, I slid it down to just above her knee. I waited and could feel my heartbeat echoing in a rapid drumroll. She shifted closer, and I glanced down to see her peering at me. Her mouth was right there, just inches away.



I could barely breathe and was hot all over with a rushing sound in my ears as my heart pounded. My breath was short and shallow. I felt Kenan’s palm on my thigh like a brand. I was wearing a pair of soft, stretchy, swingy pants, sort of like sweatpants but nicer than that. I wanted to be comfortable. I also wanted him to slide his palm down to feel me. My arousal drenched my panties.

I could barely hear the movie in the background with the low voices around us here and there.