Page 44 of Take Me Now

A short while later, the dumplings bubbled on top of the chicken soup, and I had seasoned it, sticking to the simple flavors. All he needed was nourishment.

I ladled some soup in a bowl for him, placing it on a wooden tray by the corner of the couch where he was seated. “There. Now, eat,” I ordered.

After helping him sit up carefully, I grabbed a few more pillows from the other side of the couch and tucked them behind him.

After a few bites, he looked up at me. “Oh my God, thank you.”

I sat down beside him. “Next time you’re sick, text me, knock on my door. Anything.” I was fighting back tears.

He took another bite of his soup, closing his eyes as he swallowed. When he looked back at me, he said, “I didn’t mean to scare you. I honestly just crashed in my bed as soon as I got home.”

I closed my eyes and took a slow breath. Opening them, I saw he was taking another bite of soup. “Okay.” That was all I could manage. My emotions crested high inside, and I felt vulnerable, my reaction overblown, at least in my own brain.

Spinning restlessly inside, I stood and returned to the kitchen area. I busied myself with cleaning up. It wasn’t much later when Cooper fell sound asleep in my bed. He had dozed off on the couch before I prodded him into my bedroom. I wanted to make sure he was comfortable for the night.

I checked his forehead again. He still felt feverish, but he wasn’t as hot as he’d been earlier. Humpty followed me out to the living room area again as I quietly closed the bedroom door behind me. I plunked down on the couch, and the tears I’d been holding at bay rushed up, spilling down my cheeks. I’d broken my own rules. The thing I promised myself I’d never do had happened. I’d fallen in love.

“So stupid,” I whispered between sniffles.

Humpty interrupted my tears to crawl behind where my elbows rested on my knees and butt his head against my chin. I lifted my head and straightened, stroking my palm down his back.

“I’m being dramatic, huh?” I mused to him.

Humpty blinked at me and butted my chin again.

When I looked into his eyes, I could’ve sworn that cat knew how I was feeling.

A few minutes later, I checked on Cooper in the bedroom again. He dragged his eyes open. “Don’t leave,” he whispered hoarsely.



My memory was blurry, but I recalled waking and feeling sore and achy all over. Then I remembered Farrah beside me, wiping a cool cloth over my forehead and making sure I took ibuprofen.

Maybe it was a day later, but my sense of time was all out of whack. I came awake again to Humpty nuzzling me under my chin. Opening my eyes slowly, I found him peering down at me curiously.

I wasn’t completely well, but I felt halfway there. I sat up and glanced over at the bedside table. There was a glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen with a note taped on top of it.

I didn’t want Humpty to take your ibuprofen. I went in to work. Text me when you’re up. There’s chicken soup in the refrigerator already in a bowl. You just have to take the lid off and heat it in the microwave. The kettle is full of water, and a mug with a bag of ginger lemon tea is ready for you. Make it. I wouldn’t recommend coffee. But if you need the caffeine, there’s black tea too, and there’s a mug with that in it as well. Farrah

My lips curled into a smile as I shifted up farther and leaned against the pillows. Farrah’s chicken soup and dumplings had been a lifesaver last night. Oh, I wasn’t under the impression that I’d been about to die, but the nourishing soup had snapped me out of my feverish, hungry, and miserable haze.

My eyes landed on the note again.

p.s. I got your phone from your apartment. It was on the floor in your jacket pocket.

I took a breath and reached for my phone, opening the screen to type out a text to her.

Me:I’m awake and planning to get up and have some tea. Thank you for everything.

I climbed out of bed, feeling a little weak as I made my way out of her bedroom into the kitchen area with Humpty padding along behind me. I started the kettle. I eyed the coffee maker, but my stomach wasn’t ready for it. I knew I needed caffeine, so I started with the black tea and heated some soup.

My phone vibrated where I’d set it on the counter, and I checked to see if she had replied.

Farrah:Stay put and rest. I mean that. I stripped your bed and put your sheets and towels in the washer before I left. You apparently don’t have an extra set of sheets??? I’ll be home at lunch.

I chuckled softly.