Fucking wiggled.
“You’re evil,” Quinn said as he pressed a kiss against the back of her neck simply because he couldn’t help himself.
“It helps me think,” Bailey murmured absently as she read something on his phone and then made a note before shifting her attention to his iPad.
“What exactly are you doing?” Tristan drawled as his gaze flickered to him before shifting back to her.
“Proving my skills,” she mumbled as she made yet another note.
“And what are those?” Quinn asked as he shifted around her so that he could see what she was working on and-
“What the hell is that?” he demanded when he saw the text messages on his iPad.
“If I were to guess, I would say that this was a desperate attempt to get what they wanted,” Bailey said as she scrolled through his phone one last time before she focused back on her notes.
“What’s going on?” Tristan asked as he pushed his chair back and stood up, his curious gaze shifting between him and Bailey as he made his way around the desk to join them.
“I have no fucking idea,” Quinn said as he reached over and scrolled through all the text messages on his iPad and took in all the bullshit, the plans to destroy Haven Technologies, the callous comments about the attacks, just how fucking much they hated Bailey and wanted to make her pay, and the professions of love that had his jaw grinding as he read through every fucking word while Tristan read over his shoulder.
When Quinn was done, cold dread spread down his spine as he thought about everything that he’d just read as he slowly looked up, terrified that he was about to lose Bailey over this bullshit and-
She. Fucking. Wiggled.
Narrowing his eyes on the little brat tormenting him, Quinn grabbed hold of her hips as he tried to figure out what he was going to say to convince her that he had nothing to do with this. He opened his mouth and-
“You were yelling,” Bailey said, shrugging it off while he sat there trying to make sense out of what she’d just said.
“When was he yelling?” Tristan asked as he leaned down to see what Bailey was writing.
“When he was supposed to be sending the text message about trying to find out where my program is being stored, he was turning me over and-”
“Jesus Christ,” Tristan said, turning his head and coughing to hide his chuckle as Quinn was forced to cover Bailey’s mouth with his hand.
“You’re killing me,” Quinn said as he leaned in and kissed the back of her neck as he dropped his hand away and-
“That’s what you said this morning when I got on my knees and-”
“God, you’re fucking evil,” Quinn said with one last kiss against her neck.
“You also said that,” Bailey pointed out as she once again shifted to get more comfortable on his lap.
“You want to break this thing down for me and tell me why you wouldn’t let us say anything when you came in here a few minutes ago?” Quinn asked as he shifted Bailey on his lap so that he could see what she was writing.
“I wanted to make sure that they weren’t listening,” Bailey said, only to pause in what she was writing to gesture between the iPad and the phone.
“And you needed to do this because…” Quinn asked, only to lean back in his chair when she took that as her cue to shift on his lap so that she could throw her legs over his and shift more comfortably back against the armrest while she continued making notes.
“I needed to figure something out,” Bailey said, shrugging it off.
“Are you going to share with the rest of the class?” Tristan drawled as he leaned back against his desk and picked up the iPad.
Nodding, Bailey said, “You might want to turn that off now,” with a pointed look at the iPad in Tristan’s hands.
“Do you remember that talk we had about spanking your ass?” Quinn asked, watching as Tristan considered her for a moment before he turned off the iPad and placed it back on his desk.
“Vividly,” Bailey assured him with a solemn nod. “Which is why I knew this wasn’t you.”
“And the reason you knew that…” Quinn prompted.