“Probably not,” Tristan murmured as he turned another page. “But it definitely would have made a difference finding out that you were fucking a client,” he drawled as he leaned back in his chair and leveled cold blue eyes on Quinn.
“She’s not a client anymore,” Quinn bit out as he forced himself to sit there, knowing that he was the one that fucked this up. He’d never crossed this line before, never been tempted, but with Bailey…
He wasn’t willing to give her up.
“No, she’s not,” Tristan said as he reached over and picked up the file that he’d been looking at off his desk and tossed it to him.
“What’s this?” Quinn asked as he looked down at the file in his hands.
“The background check that we ran on Kelly Johnson,” Tristan said as Quinn took in the face sheet, noting the list of convictions that Kelly managed to rack up by her eighteenth birthday.
Identity theft.
Credit card theft.
And finally, probation violation.
“When did this come in?”
“A few hours after it was confirmed that she was behind everything,” Tristan said, taking him by surprise.
“How?” Quinn asked as he tossed the file back on the desk.
“The only thing that I know right now is that it was confirmed that her computer has been set up with remote access to Haven Technologies. They were able to track her down through a virus that had been uploaded to their system to destroy all of Haven Technologies’ files, including the game that Bailey was currently developing. The police have a warrant out for her arrest.”
“Shit,” Quinn bit out as he rubbed his hands roughly down his face.
“Ten minutes after you left yesterday, she booked a plane ticket to Massachusetts. From there, she booked a hotel just outside of Chesterville where half of my men are heading now. The rest of my men are assisting the police, along with several Haven Technologies’ employees. So far, they’ve been able to tear through her bank records and found large deposits made just before each incident and immediately afterward, including yesterday’s attack on their servers.”
“What else?” Quinn asked, wishing like hell that he’d been wrong, especially since he knew how much this was going to hurt Bailey. For whatever reason, she’d trusted Kelly and now she was about to find out that one of her best friends had tried to fuck her over.
“They found a collection of thumb drives in her apartment filled with Haven Technologies’ files, including files for the latest game,” Tristan said, watching him closely.
“Who paid her?” Quinn asked as he started running the possibilities through his head.
“We don’t know that yet, but we’re looking into it,” Tristan said as Quinn slowly nodded, wondering what else he’d missed. As soon as he’d realized who Bailey had working for her, he’d assigned his men to take a closer look at Kelly and keep an eye on her, watching where she went, who she talked to, but clearly, they’d fucked up.
“She’s not going back there. Not until they find Kelly,” Quinn bit out.
“Well, that might be a problem,” Tristan drawled, watching him curiously.
“And why’s that?” Quinn asked, in absolutely no fucking mood to play this game any longer.
“Because I told her brother that we’d bring her home today.”
* * *
Bailey forcedherself to read the three words that left her feeling sick to her stomach one more time before she climbed off the bed and made her way into the bathroom, locking the door behind her before she placed the iPad on the bathroom counter and stepped away.
It was a mistake.