Page 65 of Never Again

“There’s nothing to say,” Casey said, biting back a sigh of relief when the elevator finally came to a stop.

“You really don’t think that I’m going to let you leave this building after what you put my sister through, do you?” Nathan asked, watching as she grabbed hold of the metal gate and pushed it open.

“No,” Casey simply said as she stepped into the large freight elevator and decided that there was no point in playing this game any longer. “How long?” she asked as she reached over to press the button for the lobby, only to pause with her finger hovering over the button as she shot him a questioning look.

“How long before I have security grab you or do you want to know how long you have before the police show up to arrest you?” Nathan asked, stepping into the elevator to join her before pulling the gate closed behind him.

“Both work,” Casey said, shifting her attention to the keypad and quickly typed in Bailey’s code before pressing the button for the third floor.

“It’s over,” Nathan said, watching her curiously.

“We’ll see,” Casey said, grinding her jaw as she watched the second floor slowly disappear before the third floor came into view.

“Tell me something,” Nathan said, sounding curious while Casey stood there, inwardly screaming at the elevator to go faster as she absently tapped her foot against the floor, willing it to go faster before it was too late.

“What’s that?” Casey murmured absently as she slowly exhaled.

“What did my sister ever do to you?” Nathan asked casually, but she didn’t miss the hard edge to his words or the way that he watched her every move, letting her know just how badly he was struggling not to make her pay for everything that Bailey went through.

It was understandable, but right now, it wasn’t her problem.

“You wouldn’t understand,” Casey said, reaching for the gate before the elevator had a chance to come to a stop.

“Try me,” Nathan said as he followed her off the elevator.

“It’s none of your business,” Casey said, quickly making her way through the large loft apartment and headed for Bailey’s bedroom, wishing that she didn’t have to do this, but she didn’t have a choice.

She should have done this as soon as she found Bailey, but…

This was the only way.

“You don’t think the bullshit that you put my sister through is any of my business?” Nathan asked as he followed her.

“I had nothing to do with it,” Casey said, pulling her bag off her shoulder as she made her way to Bailey’s bed.

“You really expect me to believe that?” Nathan asked, watching her curiously as she quickly opened her bag and grabbed the envelope that she’d been carrying with her for the last twenty-five years, and after a slight hesitation, she placed the battered envelope on Bailey’s pillow.

“I don’t care what you believe,” Casey said as she reached up and forced her trembling fingers to work the clasp on her necklace free before pulling it away and carefully laying it on top of the envelope.

Swallowing hard, Casey stared down at the small Celtic knot that had brought her comfort since she was a little girl before forcing herself to look away. Slowly exhaling, Casey shifted the bag on her back and turned to leave, only to find Nathan blocking her path.

Shaking his head, he said, “You’re done fucking with my sister’s head,” as he reached for the necklace.

“No,” Casey said firmly as she placed her hand on Nathan’s, stopping him from touching the one thing that she honestly didn’t think that she could live without.

Jaw clenching, Nathan glared down at her as Casey forced herself to ignore just how good his warm skin felt against hers. “I’m asking you nicely, Nathan. Please,” she said, stressing the last word.

She watched as his angry gaze searched hers for answers that she couldn’t give him. Whatever he saw had him reluctantly dropping his hand away as he asked, “Why did my sister lie for you?”

At her questioning look, Nathan added, “We had a deal. She wasn’t supposed to hire anyone with a record, but for some reason, she broke that rule for you, and I want to know why.”

“Because she’s too damn nice,” Casey said, watching as his lips twitched.

“Yes, she is,” Nathan murmured as he stood there, watching her for another moment before he asked, “Did she know about your record?”

“Not exactly,” Casey admitted, watching as he digested that information.

Slowly nodding, Nathan said, “That doesn’t answer my question.”