Page 1 of Pretend


Many Years Ago…

“Inever really liked Amber,” Jason, his asshole cousin and the reason why Eric was trying to wrap his mind around what just happened, said, sounding thoughtful as Eric sat there debating beating the shit out of him, but…

God, he couldn’t fucking believe this.

One minute, Eric was trying to convince himself that he wasn’t making a mistake, and the next, he was walking in on the little bastard fucking his fiancée in the men’s room, all because the other little bastard bet him that he couldn’t do it. Then again, since Eric actually thought that Amber was in love with him, he probably would have taken that bet, too. That, and according to the woman that he thought he would end up spending the rest of his life with, she’d been saving herself for marriage.

“I don’t know what you saw in her,” Trevor, the little bastard that made the bet, said with a pitying shake of his head as Eric sat there, slowly taking a sip of the beer that Amber’s parents were paying for as he once again wondered how he’d missed the fact that his fiancée was a manipulative bitch.

“Bradfords don’t propose,” Uncle Jared said with a sad shake of his head as he helped himself to one of the steak dinners that Amber’s family abandoned after everything went to hell.

Eric opened his mouth to tell them that the Bradford curse was bullshit, only to finish his beer instead. He should have listened to his family, Eric thought as he handed off his empty bottle to a passing waiter and gestured for another beer. His family had been on his ass for the past year, telling him that he was making a mistake, but he’d refused to listen because he was a fucking idiot.

“You didn’t love her,” his father said, dropping down on the chair next to him with a heavy sigh.

The sad part?

He couldn’t really argue that, could he? How else could Eric explain his reaction to hearing his fiancée begging his cousin to fuck her? He’d heard the panted demand, stood there for a moment, fucking sighed, turned around and headed back to the bar for a beer. He should have been pissed, should have yelled, decked his cousin, and called Amber a bitch, but instead, he’d calmly ordered a beer while he’d told the asshole that almost became his father-in-law that the wedding was off.

He never should have-

“I love bubbles,” came the slurred announcement that had Eric’s lips twitching as he looked over at his best friend to find Morgan hugging a bottle of champagne against her chest.

God, she was just so fucking adorable, Eric thought, reaching over to push the glasses that were always threatening to fall off back up her cute little nose. Her wavy dark brown hair that she always seemed to wear in a ponytail, hung free around her shoulders, one thin strap of the black cocktail dress that he’d never seen her in before made its way down her arm, and-

Had him fucking sighing as he took a sip of beer, realizing that the only good thing that came out of this whole mess was that he got to see Morgan in a dress, something that he never thought would happen again after the unfortunate incident that occurred at their prom.

“I know you do, Morgan,” Eric said, unable to help but smile for the woman that always had his back as he reached over and plucked the bottle of champagne out of her arms.

“My bubbles,” Morgan mumbled sadly as she watched him hand the bottle over to a passing waiter.

“I’ll get you more bubbles later,” Eric promised her even as he gestured to his cousin to hand him the bucket of ice on the table behind him.

Jason grabbed the bucket and moved to hand it to Morgan when Eric snatched it out of his hands with a glare because letting the little prick next to her was the last fucking thing that he was going to let happen.

With a sheepish smile, Jason murmured, “Right,” grabbed an abandoned beer from one of the tables next to them and took a sip while Eric shifted his attention to his best friend and-

“Where are the bubbles?” Morgan mumbled sadly as she stared down at the glass of water in front of her.

“They’re sleeping,” Eric told her, even as he tried to remember if he’d ever seen her this drunk before.

Normally, Morgan didn’t drink, but those few times that she did were always memorable. There was the time that he stole beer from his grandfather’s house only to end up trying to convince her that the squirrels throwing nuts at her did not want to be her friends. Then, there was the time when they were in college and he dragged her with him to a fraternity party and ended up chasing her through the math building at two in the morning because she didn’t want to be late for a class that she wasn’t even fucking taking. The last time he saw her this drunk was probably her twenty-first birthday, which was something that he’d promised himself that he wouldn’t think about again.

“But I love them,” Morgan mumbled sadly as he placed the bucket of ice on the floor between them and took her small hand in his, only to wince when he saw how swollen it was.

Morgan didn’t get pissed often, but when she did…

“Can I hit Amber again?” she asked, sounding hopeful.

“Maybe later if you’re a good girl,” Eric promised her as he examined her hand to make sure that it wasn’t broken.

Nodding solemnly, Morgan said, “I’ll be good,” making his lips twitch as he grabbed a handful of ice from the bucket and pressed it against the back of her hand.

“I know you will, baby girl,” Eric said, wondering what he’d done to deserve someone like her in his life.

Morgan always had his back no matter how badly he’d fucked up and he’d definitely fucked up this time. She never judged him, never threw his mistakes in his face, or made him feel like shit when he screwed up and he fucking thanked god for that right now because the last thing that he needed was one more person telling him how badly he’d fucked up his life.