* * *
He was goingto lose his fucking mind, Bryce thought as Cayley wrapped her hands around his and gently pulled him closer, leaving him with no other choice but to lean down and brush his lips against hers as he settled between her legs.
“Be sure,” Bryce whispered against her lips, praying like hell that this was really what she wanted even as part of him was terrified to take this next step.
For years, he’d fought this hold that she had over him, told himself that he was out of his fucking mind whenever he found himself thinking about her, how many times he’d told himself that he couldn’t have her, havethis, and now that she was finally in his arms…
He was afraid that he would never be enough for her.
“I’m sure,” Cayley said, brushing her lips against his as she released her hold on his hands so that she could cup his face. “I’m sure,” she repeated softly as she gently caressed his face as she slowly deepened the kiss.
When she moaned against his lips, Bryce stopped caring, stopped thinking past this moment, and allowed himself to finally let go. He took her mouth in a slow, hungry kiss as he placed his hands on the bed and pushed himself up and moved to break off the kiss, only to groan when she followed him. Never breaking that kiss that was driving him out of his fucking mind, they worked together to shove his underwear off.
Once they managed to shove his boxers off, Bryce was reaching for her and-
“Oh, fuck…”
-groaned when Cayley took him by surprise by wrapping her hand around his cock and gave it a teasing stroke. She was definitely evil, Bryce decided, unable to help but smile when she kept her hold around him as she reached up with her other hand and cupped the back of his neck, giving him no other choice but to follow her as she laid back down.
Bryce shifted to his knees and kept his weight off her when it became obvious that she had no plans of letting him go. Not that he was complaining. Far from it. He loved the way that her hand felt wrapped around his cock. Loved the way that she moved her hand over him, slowly stroking him from the base to the tip and then letting her hand slide to the base of his cock where she gave it a gentle squeeze, tearing a groan from him as the move caused the sensitive tip to brush against her skin.
The next time that she reached the base, he slowly pulled back, causing her hand to glide down the length of his cock and watched her gasp as the move placed the tip against her slit. “Right there,” Cayley whispered, moaning softly as she shifted her legs further apart and used her hold around him to trace her slit with his cock.
She was so fucking wet, Bryce thought as he shifted his weight to one arm and reached between them so that he could wrap his hand around hers and-
“Oh, my God!” Cayley moaned, her back arching off the bed when he used his hold to tease her clit. He groaned into her mouth when the move coated the tip, sending pleasure up his cock and had his balls pulling up tight.
“Do you like that?” Bryce asked, taking his time kissing her as he continued moving their hands over his cock, teasing the incredibly soft lips between her legs.
“More,” Cayley mumbled against his lips as she pulled her hand free from beneath his so that she could run her hands over his back and found his hips as she shifted beneath him, letting him know exactly where she needed him.
Breaking off the kiss, Bryce pulled back just far enough so that he could watch her as he pushed his cock down until the tip was settled against her core. His eyes locked with hers as he gently pushed forward, only to groan as her sheath wrapped around the tip and nearly fucking destroyed him. He wanted to savor this moment, to make it last, but she felt too fucking good, Bryce thought, moaning her name as her hands slid over his ass and pulled as she rolled her hips, forcing the tip inside her.
“You feel fucking amazing,” Bryce said, pressing his lips against her forehead as he slowly pushed inside her.
She was so fucking wet and incredibly tight. He’d never felt anything like it, Bryce thought, struggling not to lose his fucking mind as he was forced to pull back and then push back in, slowly working his cock inside her. It was the tightest fucking hold he’d ever experienced, Bryce thought as he reached down between their bodies and-
Tore a moan from the small woman that he would never be able to live without when his fingertips found her swollen little clit and gently rubbed it as he took her mouth in a hungry kiss. Bryce kept his touch teasing as he slowly worked his cock inside her with gentle thrusts of his hips as she reached up and cupped his face in her hands with a soft moan.
When he slid the rest of the way inside her, Bryce removed his hand and settled more comfortably between her legs as Cayley wrapped her legs around him. For several minutes, they lay there, slowly devouring each other’s mouths as he took her hands in his and entwined their fingers.
“Bryce,” Cayley whispered softly on a moan as he began to move.
She felt so fucking good, Bryce thought with every roll of his hips, the move causing her sheath to wrap tightly around him, teasing his cock with wet caresses that sent immense pleasure throughout his body. He wanted to make this last, wanted to savor every last fucking stroke, but she felt fucking incredible.
With every stroke, Bryce thought that he was going to lose his fucking mind. She was-
Everything that he ever wanted.
“We need to get up,” the man that spent most of the night making love to her said.
“I am getting up,” Cayley mumbled even as she settled back against the man that really knew how to snuggle.
“Is this your way of telling me that you want to call in sick today?” Bryce asked, not really sounding all that concerned as he pressed his lips against her neck.
Nodding, Cayley murmured, “I really would.”