“And what are we going to do at Thomas House?” Cayley asked as she willingly went to him.

“Besides making love in every room of the house?” Bryce asked, leaning down to brush his lips against hers.

“Besides that,” Cayley said, reaching up so that she could wrap her arms around him.

“I was thinking that we should fill it up with devious little girls that love to torture their brothers and little boys that will one day drive us to drink,” Bryce said, making her smile.

That is, until he said, “But first, I thought that we should pick up where we left off.”

Cayley opened her mouth, only to grumble when she suddenly found herself on her hands and knees on the bed, wondering how the bastard moved so fast. “But this is my interrogation,” she mumbled sadly.

“And you were doing a great job,” Bryce said as she felt his lips press against the small of her back. “You broke me in record time.”

“I really did,” Cayley said with a sniffle, only to moan and tighten her grip around the comforter when she felt his fingertips move between her legs.

“Do you love me, Cayley?” Bryce asked, sliding his fingertips between her lips and over her clit when she opened her mouth to answer, only to tear a moan from her.

“That feels so good,” Cayley said, licking her lips as she shifted her legs further apart.

“Do you love me, Cayley?” Bryce asked again as he slid one thick finger inside her.

“You know I do,” Cayley said, gasping when he began moving that finger inside her.

“More than Sean?” he asked after a slight hesitation, his finger going still inside her.

“I mean, he’s my best friend, so…” Cayley began, only to end up screaming, “Yes! He’s dead to me!” when that finger that felt really good inside her pulled free.

“I suppose that will do,” Bryce murmured as she felt the large tip of his cock placed against her core seconds before he began pushing inside her.

“What else do you want to know?” Cayley asked, reluctantly accepting the fact that he’d once again taken over her interrogation. She really needed to figure out how he kept doing that, Cayley thought, unable to help but moan when Bryce slowly pulled out of her. Licking her lips, she crawled the rest of the way up the bed and by the time that she was laying down, Bryce was there, settling between her legs as his lips found hers and was tearing a moan from her when he slid back inside her.

“If you have any idea how much I love you.”


“What are you doing?” Bryce somehow managed to get out as he lay there, struggling to find the energy to open his eyes.

“Nothing,” came the answer that had him frowning as he opened his eyes and-

“What the hell are you doing?” Bryce asked as he watched the woman that he loved glared down at the Christmas lights in her hands as he ran his eyes over her, taking in everything from the Rerum Highland Construction sweatshirt that she’d helped herself to from his closet to her jeans and-

Felt his lips twitch when he spotted the Frosty the Snowman slippers on her feet.

“Kidnapping you,” Cayley murmured absently as that glare shifted to his legs, where she’d apparently already started wrapping Christmas lights around his ankles.

“And you’re doing a really good job,” Bryce said around a yawn as he reached up and rubbed his hands down his face before dropping them away and glanced at the alarm clock by the bed, only to frown when he saw what time it was.

“I know,” Cayley mumbled as she went back to doing…whatever it was that she was doing.

“Umm, is there a reason why we’re doing this at two in the morning?” Bryce asked as he moved to sit up only to drop back on the bed with a sigh when she turned a murderous glare on him.

“Yes,” Cayley said with a firm nod, making his lips twitch as he watched her struggle to wrap the rest of the Christmas lights around his ankles, only to give up with a sigh and pull them off with a muttered, “I’m going to need you to walk out to the car.”

“And why’s that?” Bryce asked, reaching back to shove another pillow behind his head.

“Because you’re really freaking heavy,” she said, making him chuckle.
