I feel wrenched apart. “No. I just…”
The issue isn’t my limits or whether I reached them.
It isn’t about how far my exhibitionist side goes.
It’s about the way I want them. “I want to go home. With both of you,” I say.
I don’t know where home is, but in no time, we’re out of there.
* * *
The second we stumble into Stefan’s home, everything feels right again. In the foyer, he curls a hand around my throat, pulls me impossibly close. His lips crush down on mine while Hayes crowds me from behind, brushing lush, open-mouthed caresses along the back of my neck, his nimble fingers exploring the bare skin of my arms, then traveling down to my waist.
I’m caught between them—my safe place. Hayes threads a hand up through my hair, tugging on it as he kisses along my shoulders.
Stefan presses his hand against the hollow of my throat as he devours my lips with a new ferocity.
We consume each other, lips and teeth and hands and bodies colliding. We’re crashing into each other. Them and me, me and them. I’m touched all over, all at once, by them both.
Lust roars up in me again, an engine revved. Unlike at the country club, I’m free. I hold nothing back. I don’t rein in my dirty joy. I’m free to let go, free to give in. Free to be…the woman I’m becoming.
I’m liquid gold under their touch. They melt me with their bruising kisses. Their questing hands. Their strong bodies that feel so right wrapped around mine.
I’m voracious.
I want everything. I want them both to fuck me. And I want it right now.
I wrench my mouth from Stefan’s.
My breath comes in ragged gasps as I meet his gaze importantly, then look back at Hayes behind me. I let my body sink against Hayes’s chest while I wrap my hands around Stefan’s neck. “Fuck me together.”
* * *
I’m aroused from the vibrator play, from the kissing, from the sensual touching, but I want to bereadybecause this is brand-new territory.
Hayes grabs a bottle of champagne and brings it into the bedroom as Stefan undresses me then sets me down on the white covers of the bed.
“So fucking gorgeous,” he says approvingly as his possessive gaze roams up and down my body, lighting me up.
I’m sitting, and Stefan’s taken off his shirt, but he’s still in his slacks as he climbs onto the bed, kneels between my legs, and then spreads them open. I draw a sharp breath, full of anticipation.
He’s gone down on me before, plenty of times. But the look he gives me—such wicked delight—sends a new charge through me. He dips his face, kissing the inside of my thigh.
As Stefan brushes soft lips along my flesh, Hayes hands me a glass of champagne. I take one drink, then another. The bubbles flow through me, loosening me more as Stefan travels to my pussy.
Then, he French kisses me. A hot burst of pleasure spreads through my body, and I put the flute on the nightstand. I might spill it otherwise, and this champagne is too good. I sink down into the soft pillows, inviting Stefan’s exploration.
“That’s right. You’re doing so well for us.” Hayes encourages as he strips off his clothes and comes around to the bed, joining me, kissing me passionately. His mouth crashes on mine as Stefan flicks his tongue against me, then licks a long, tantalizing path up my wetness.
My brain scrambles from the feel-good sensations coursing through me. I’m delirious from them kissing me everywhere. My limbs feel loose and warm. My body is like honey, and my mind is just floaty.
More kisses collide onto my mouth. More land between my thighs. I thread one hand into Hayes’s hair as he kisses me. My other hand slides through Stefan’s strands. I’m pulling one man to my mouth, the other to my pussy. It’s an overload of kissing till I spark, the start of an orgasm rushing into view. Before I know it, I’m gasping against Hayes’s mouth, crying out, and coming apart.
My world blurs into bliss, and I break apart.
As I come down, we separate, and I’m panting, tingling.
Hayes glances at Stefan. “Think she’s ready?”