Page 12 of Keeping Her Close

“Well, I hope that you can get everything your heart desires. We all deserve a happy ending.” she says to me before spinning around and making her way back over behind the counter.

As she walks away, I return to staring out the window while enjoying my scone and coffee. As I'm munching away and people-watching, I see him. “Fuck,” I mutter as I slink down in my seat, trying to cover my face. I hope to God he does not see me sitting in here. He seems to be strolling down the sidewalk minding his own business but I can't risk him seeing me. I continue to watch him from behind my hands and see that he has stopped and is checking his phone. A small smirk crosses his features and makes him look more godly than man.

The involuntary clench of my thighs and deep sigh that escape me make me think I am clinically insane. I cannot believe I have this type of reaction to someone like him. He is what gods are made of. Absolutely stunning and sexy enough to make any girl come undone and drop to their knees.

He starts walking again and I hurry to finish my scone and coffee. My wolf is screaming at me because we need to get outside to get a better look at him and right now she has more control than normal with the full moon being tomorrow, so I comply. I follow behind on the opposite side of the street for a few minutes, soaking in everything about him when he turns his head and locks eyes with me. I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face or the warmth that his gaze has created.

He scowls as he takes me in with all bags and casual attire. From here, it kind of looks like disgust. I don't know why, but it upsets me more than I care to admit. Wiping the smile from my face, I turn on my heel and head back in the other direction so that I can circle and head to my van.

When I get back to my van and start putting away everything from my shopping spree, I notice that the flowers I threw on my front seat are now on the table next to my bed in a vase. The card is standing against it proudly. A sick reminder of everything that has happened and a threat of what may be to come. But what gets me the most about it is that someone had come in while I was gone and did this.

I can’t believe that he would just come into my home and do this. It’s bad enough that he left them on my windshield after everything. Yeah, they are beautiful flowers. Sunflowers are my absolute favorite flower of all time, but still. How could he just invade my safe space like that!

Seems like I need to start remembering to lock all the doors. Never, in the four months that I have lived here, has someone broken into my van. Never. Not until he showed up. Whoever the fuck he is. Brushing aside the feeling of overwhelming dread of being followed and having someone violate my home, I kick off my boots and jacket and grab my book so that I can settle in for the remainder of the day.

It takes me about three hours to devour the book from start to finish. I am now starving and horny as fuck. The lady at the bookstore wasn't joking about the pancakes or the cigar fucking. The author, JL Quick, sure does know how to write her spice and was on point with creating a one-handed read. It's too bad though because I can’t charge my toy here in the van. I'll just have to bring it and the charger when I go shower later so that I can get it ready for next time.

Since I am not used to having a day off and therefore have nothing left to do besides wander the streets, I snuggle down and decide to take a nap. It's been so long since I’ve had any kind of a nap and I am exhausted. I fall into a restless sleep in no time, dreaming of being in my wolf form. Free and running through a thick forest with another wolf on my heels. Just before it blacks out into nothing, the strange wolf runs ahead and disappears. Then it's nothingness, while I continue to toss and turn fitfully.

I wake at a more normal time than the previous day, still tired from tossing and turning all night and not eating before passing out. Rolling over, I pick up my phone to check the time and see that I have a message.


You better watch out, Little Red. You never know when the big bad wolf will come for you.

Chapter nine


Ihavespentthebetter part of my day on the phone with Momma Jo and Kage. We have been trying to see if there is any way around this job, which won't destroy our reputation or our business. But we haven't found a single thing that can help me. Not a damn thing. They decide that if I cannot get it done tonight, I will head home and one of the others will come and take my place here in Denver and finish the job. I tell them both that if it has to be done, then it will be me.

After the call ends, I smash my phone into the table. Shattering the screen to pieces and leaving a phone size dent in the coffee table. Tonight’s full moon has heightened my emotions beyond the norm, and I am raging. I pick up my laptop and throw it against the wall, where it explodes and falls to the floor in pieces. Running my hands through my hair, I exhale loudly, trying to calm myself. I need to get these fucking feelings under control or I’ll end up doing something that I’ll undoubtedly regret. I fucking hate feelings.

Fuck it.

Leaving all my smashed electronics behind, I leave the apartment and head to find the right costume for tonight. My wolf needs to run free, but I can’t let him out while I am here. The least I can do is let him control my mind for just a bit so that he isn't as forceful.

I have a feeling tonight's going to get real messy. Good thing I am ready for it.

Chapter ten


ArrivingatJake'sPlace,I find it packed with so many people that they are having a hard time moving around the dance floor. It’s like looking at a giant orgy happening on the floor, and by the smell of it, someone out there is fucking. Or a few someones, who knows at this point. Making my way over to a booth, I find it's occupied tonight and that pisses me off immensely.

Whatever. I can't kill someone over a damn table, at least not tonight.

Needing to blend in for as long as possible, I kept my clothes very simple tonight.. And for Halloween, I decided to go as The Big Bad Wolf for my Little Red.

Andrea is already here and looking fucking stunning. But instead of the work clothes I saw her in a few nights ago, she's wearing even less and I swear she’s trying to taunt me. Dressed in what is tiny, red lingerie with thigh highs and a pair of heels, if she's going for a super slutty Red Riding Hood, then she nailed it on the head. Her top barely contains her ample tits and that small piece of cloth around her hips is barely enough to be considered a skirt because half of her ass is hanging out the bottom.

She looks good enough to eat.

Watching her interact with her customers and seeing them all eye fuck her has both me and my wolf enraged and ready to go on a killing spree. This big bad wolf is going to catch his prey tonight. The question is, what is he going to do with her once he catches her?

I can’t wait to find out.

Chapter eleven