Page 8 of Keeping Her Close

Once I finish my verbal check-in with all of them, she takes the call off speakerphone. Before she directs her attention back to the phone call with me, she barks off orders to everyone else. Telling them all to fuck off and give her privacy.

“Thank you for calling, Damien. I'm sorry for being so curt with you, hun. You know how it has to be when it comes to business. However, I can tell that you aren't being completely truthful with me, and I did not want to confront you in front of your brothers. Your timeline isn't matching up and there are a good two and a half hours unaccounted for. Care to explain why that is? Busy getting your dick wet with some unnamed whore as usual?”

“Well, Momma, do you want the whole truth or the partial truth? Because I don't know if I want to tell you either,” I ask as I finally pour myself a cup of coffee. I'm going to need it if she answers the way I know she will.

“Boy, you know damn well I want the whole truth so tell it to me,” she clips out, getting frustrated again, no doubt.

I man up and tell her everything. Well, almost everything. She doesn't need to know the dirty details of my encounter with Andrea. I explain that Andrea is my fucking mate and that my dumb ass cornered her and had an altercation that ended with me marking her.

“You have got to be shitting me, Damien. Your current target is your mate?” she asks.

“Yes, Momma. She is my mate and no I am not shitting you. Trust me when I say that I did not intend for this to happen. I came here for the hit. Not to meet my mate.”

It takes way too long for her to respond. Just as I think maybe she hung up on me, I hear her take a deep breath. “Well whatever you do, do not tell any of your brothers yet. I want you to steer clear of her for a few days. Watch her, but don't engage and for the love of all that is fucking holy, don't let her see you. I'll figure out what to do about all this shit,” she finally says.

I’m just about to end the call when I hear her say “Oh, and Damien, for the love of God, please keep your dick in your pants until I figure this shit out.” All I can say is that I will and then hang up.

I really hate to disobey Momma Jo’s orders, but little does she know, there is no way in hell I am just going to watch my little pup from a distance. After all, Halloween is just two days away and I am a hunter. My prey will be expecting me.

Chapter six


Islepthardlastnight. Not really sure how after all the shit I found myself in. Being cornered by some pissed-off sleazeball and then being ambushed in the shower has my nerves fried and my anxiety on high alert. I still can't believe it all. The stranger that helped me get away from the first guy did not seem like the type to string me up in a shower and leave me on the edge, but yet here we are. I will give him some credit though. He didn’t fuck me and leave, but he did seem to enjoy himself a little too much last night considering that massive bulge in his pants he was sporting the entire time.

Laying here, I continue contemplating what the fuck I am going to do about everything. The human side of me wants to just up and leave this city right now and head to Alaska. Sticking to my original plan from months ago. But my wolf is screaming at me to stay. I'm not sure why she wants us to stay. If that is what is going to keep her around, then it looks like I'll be staying. At least for a little while longer.

I really missed having her company and her help. Once I left the pack she retreated into my mind because I couldn't let her out anymore. I had to hide her from fear of being discovered. But now that she’s back I will not shove her down again. I need her just as much as she needs me.

Sitting up I reach for my phone. Realizing that I have missed multiple texts from my boss and Cassie, I notice the time. It's fucking nine at night. I have slept the entire day away, and to top it off I’m now fucking late for work. I press my boss’s name to call him back before I end up fired for being a no-call no-show.

He picks up on the first ring. “Hey, Andy. Are you doing okay?” Sounding genuinely worried, which strikes me as strange because this guy is a serious asshole to me the majority of the time.

“Hey, Jake. Yeah, I guess I am okay. I am so fucking sorry that I am late. I had a long night and wasn't feeling the best. I slept the entire day away and am only just waking up. If you could give me like twenty or thirty minutes, I'll be there. I will even stay late to clean up to make up for it.” Everything rushes out so fast that I'm surprised he can even understand me.

He chuckles lightly letting me know that it is totally fine, and even gives me tonight and tomorrow night to rest up so that I am in top shape for Friday night. After thanking him profusely, I flop back down onto my bed unsure of what to do with myself. I have worked every night since I started at Jake’s Place, busting my ass for that man. I’m so happy to finally have a day off, but what the fuck am I going to do? All I have done since moving here is work, sleep, and eat. I guess tonight and tomorrow night is going to be for me to get to know this city, and hell who knows, maybe even get some shopping done.

After trying to hype myself up for Friday, I decide that the only way I am going to be excited about it is to go shopping. I fucking hate shopping really, but I own nothing for Halloween and I want to make sure to look just as yummy as all the other girls that will be working that shift with me.

“Ahhhhhh, fuck it! Looks like this girl is going shopping.” I squeal as I sit up in my bed again, swinging my legs over the side. Standing up, I rummage through my pile of clothes and find clean shorts and a hoodie. It's chilly outside this late at night sometimes, but I hate jeans and I am not going to be any more uncomfortable shopping than I already will be. I'm not wearing makeup tonight because if it's my day off, then my face is going to breathe right along with me. Grabbing my wig to brush it out, I notice that part of the lace underneath is starting to rip. Fuck it. Looks like I will also be letting my scalp breathe for once too. Good thing it's almost Halloween. People will just think I dyed it for the holiday.

I throw on my chucks, shove some cash into my bra, and grab my phone. As I'm swinging open the side doors, I shoot Cassie a text letting her know that I wasn't feeling well and will see her Friday.

Cassie is my best friend, but we only ever see each other at work, which is about right considering I work constantly. We've never hung out outside of work and I am okay with that. The closer you get to people, the more information they want, and I am not ready to share the majority of my life with anyone. Just as I jump down and shut the doors, my stomach growls loudly. Looks like I'll be stopping in somewhere to grab some food too. Walking out of the car park, I turn to head toward my favorite café in the area.

Just as I turn the corner, a few minutes later, I see Annie’s Café all lit up and my stomach immediately rumbles louder. Waiting for the stoplight to change, I scroll through my phone looking for shops in the area that might specialize in the type of outfit that I am looking for. I find a few but they aren't open this late during the week. Looks like I'll have to do that tomorrow. However, there is a bookstore on the corner that is still open, but not for much longer by the looks of it. Skipping the food, I head to the bookstore first. If I'm going to be forced into having the night off, I might as well enjoy the shit out of it, and my inner bookworm has been dying to read something spicy lately.

Just the idea of getting lost in someone else's world has put a little pep in my step, and I'm damn near skipping down the sidewalk. They are only open for about another ten minutes, so I better hurry and figure out what I'm going to buy. I don't want to impose and be one of those people that push off closing time. Once inside, I head straight for the romance section. I am looking for some super smutty, dark romance to get lost in. I grab a few different ones that stand out to me and head up to the register without giving it a second thought.

Unable to make the choice myself, I ask the woman behind the counter what she recommends for me.

“Well, Miss, you have quite the selection here. Red Night is dark and you’ll be dealing with things like breeding kinks, dubcon, impact play, degradation, and false imprisonment. This one, Capo Dei Capi’s Daughter, is a darker mafia romance that will destroy pancakes for you and the guy fucks her with a cigar before smoking it. This last one isn't romance at all. The Echoist is an amazing book, but it will make you ugly cry.”

“Well as much as I love a good cry once in a while, I don't want to cry this week if I can help it. And while I want dark, I'm not sure that I want as dark as Red Night right now. So I’ll be getting Capo for now. I will be back for the others though.”

Setting the other two aside, she rings up my purchase and bags it for me.

Walking out the door, I turn and wave, “Thank you so much for your help! Sorry if I held you up at all.”