Page 14 of Keeping Her Close

Just thinking about it both excites me and has fear seeping into my bones. I still remember it word for word. You better watch out, Little Red. You never know when the big, bad wolf will come for you or what he’ll do once he catches you.

Is this the big, bad wolf I need to be looking out for? If so, do I want to run? There is a part of me wanting to let him catch me. It could be fun to find out what he has in store. But before I can do something idiotic, I turn and beeline for the bar. I need to get out of here for a few and calm the fuck down.

Chapter twelve



That is hands down the hottest thing I have ever witnessed a woman do. I saw the three assholes back her into that wall, but with how busy it is in here, I wasn't able to make it to her aid as fast as I wanted to. Now here I am, standing halfway across this damn floor surrounded by hundreds of people, and yet I only see one. Can only smell one, as the scent of vanilla and oranges fills my senses. Can only hear one, as all the noise around me filters out.

Watching her wolf come forward to help her out was enough to get me hard, and then she had to go stab him with a knife that she pulled out from somewhere. Curious about where she has that stashed.

Maybe I will have to find out for myself.

Transfixed on what is happening before me. I watch as she twists the blade that is buried in the asshole's leg. A murderous glint in her eye and a malicious smile spread across her face.

Just when I think she is going to try and take on another of the men, security makes it to her and peels the men away from her. Watching as they take the trash toward the exit, as they kick and scream like the little bitches they are.

Turning back around to make sure she's okay, I see something that has my cock digging into the confines of my jeans. The look on her face as she watches the blood drip down her hand. Bringing her fingers to her lips to taste it, her tongue darting out and cleaning the evidence from her lips. My wolf, who is howling inside my head, is ready to take her right here and right now. In front of anybody and everybody.

He doesn’t give a shit anymore, and nor do I.

I feel him starting to take over and I know my eyes are shining just as brightly as hers were just a moment ago. Watching her as her entire body shudders, thighs clenching together. That's when I hear a small moan escape from between those plump red lips. Even over the craziness of the place, it reaches my ears.

Her eyes open, scanning the surrounding crowd. I still haven't moved an inch and won’t. I want her to see me watching her. To know that I caught her enjoying herself over a little blood. Her eyes find mine and she freezes. We continue to stare at each other for a few moments before she turns and runs for the bar.

I'll let her go for now, since I have a few things I need to do. And knowing that the head of security will be back any minute to check in on her and update the boss on what just happened. I am sure that she will be busy with those two for a while.

Making my way out the front door, I look for the assholes that just got kicked out. They are going to pay for laying hands on what is mine and I am in the mood to shed some blood after what I just witnessed.

I find all three of them standing in the opening of the alley next to the bar talking shit about Andrea. About how they will get their payback for the stabbing. Little do they know, they won’t be getting the chance tonight or any night.

Walking up to the three of them standing there plotting their bullshit, I tap one on the shoulder to get their attention. He spins around, still holding his thigh, trying to stop the bleeding.

“Can I fucking help you?” he spits at me. “ I'm not really in the mood to deal with your ass, old man.”

I feel a grin stretch across my face. “Well, as a matter of fact, you can help me. I couldn't help but see what you guys did to that girl in there or overhear your so-called plans for her. Aren’t you worried her man might retaliate?”

“That bitch does not belong to anyone. If she did, she wouldn't be walking around asking for it in that skimpy ass outfit. Shit, she's begging for it.” He spews this bullshit with full confidence and has his lackeys laughing.

The smile immediately disappears from my face. “That bitch, as you call her, belongs to someone. She belongs to me. And no one, and I mean no one, is ever asking for any piece of shit like you to touch them without their consent,” I growled in response.

I'm quickly losing control of my wolf. My hands fist at my sides as my eyes start glowing. If I'm not careful, I will shift right here in this alley before ripping their throats out. But I have a better plan. A plan that will please me much more. They'll be losing all the pieces they deem necessary to continue their douchebaggery behavior.

The look on my face must portray what I am thinking because the three men in front of me are shitting themselves while looking for a way out. Stalking toward them, I close the distance before any of them can even think about making a move to escape.

They all start backing up while I stalk them until I have them backed into a corner in the dead-end alley. The music from the bar pulses, even out here. Not only is the beat of it putting me in the perfect mood, but it's also helping drown out their attempts at getting anyone's attention. I scan the surrounding area, looking for any security cameras before finishing my pursuit.

Bending over, I slide the knife from my boot, flipping it in the air before catching it by the handle. Looking up and meeting the eyes of the three cowards in front of me, one by one, I see they are all shaking, begging for their pathetic lives.

“So I’m guessing that you three want me to let you go.”

All of them shake their heads yes. Pleading with me.

“Well, I hate to say it. None of you will be leaving this alley tonight with your lives. And if you somehow manage to live through what I am about to do in the next twenty minutes, you aren’t going to want to live anymore.”

Closing the distance between myself and the first guy that assaulted Andrea, I grab him by the throat. Lifting him off the ground, I slam him into the brick wall behind him. His head cracking from the impact. Letting go, he slumps to the ground, momentarily unconscious. Then I reach for one of the others to do the same thing.