Page 10 of Keeping Her Close

It takes no time at all and I spend a good portion of the day just watching her sleep. I don't know how she manages to sleep so soundly after last night. Most women would still be freaking out, but not her. She looks so peaceful in her sleep. Surrounded by more pillows than I can count and stuffed animals all over the place. She has kicked off her duvet and she lays in just a shirt and pair of panties. The shirt has risen in her sleep and has left her curvy hips and tummy on full display. Hair splaying across her pillows in the perfect dark halo with a few pieces still framing her face.

Around noon, I decide it’s time to get moving. I needed to get some food and replace my jacket and boots since they are officially trash now. I make sure that I can access the video feed from my cell phone so I can check in periodically. Getting dressed I make sure to grab everything I may need and slide my knife back into my boot. I shouldn't need it, but you never know.

I have spent the day wandering around Denver and checking out all the little shops they have within walking distance. I refuse to get a taxi and I am not doing buses or any other public transportation either. I manage to find some kickass boots and a nice leather jacket that has a hood this time. I also find a little café called Annie’s. Their food isn’t all that bad but it doesn’t quite hit the spot like I was hoping it would. As I'm leaving Annie’s my phone begins to ring. It's Momma Jo.

“Damien, I've been thinking long and hard about the situation that you have found yourself in,” she starts, right off the bat. No hello. No, how are you doing? Nothing.

“Hey, Momma. I'm doing great. How are you?” I say in reply

“Well exfuckingcuse me, young man. I am more worried about the shit going on with this job than some stupid ass small talk.” She snaps back.

“Sorry. I'm a little on edge with everything going on and a little snappy. I didn't mean to take it out on you,” I apologize. Trust me when I say you don't piss off Momma Jo and get away with it. She may be getting older but she can and will still kick your ass. Or at the least not cook you dinner anymore, and I will never risk losing Momma’s cooking for anything. “What have you figured out so far?”

“Well, hun, I'm sorry to say there are only three options for you right now. Option one, you do the job that we were hired to do. Option two, you can swap out with one of your brothers and they will finish the job.” She pauses and takes a deep breath. Taking way too long to continue.

“Is there a reason why you are taking so long to tell me the third option? I'm not going to like it, am I?” I ask.

“Well. You may not like it. But option three would be to back out of the hit.” She states. “But you know I do not like backing out of a job. It kills our reputation and you know how much this business depends on reputation.”

“Yes, Momma, I know how things work by now. Don't cancel the hit. I will get the job done. I am just biding myself a few days until after the full moon. She will be at her strongest on Friday night and I am going to need all the advantage I can get. This will be difficult enough for me.” I say solemnly, telling her what she wants to hear. Not sure if I'll go through with it yet, but I need to give myself some time to figure things out myself.

We both say our goodbyes and hang up. I start to walk mindlessly through downtown until I find myself in the treeline near Andrea’s van again.

How the fuck did I end up here?

My wolf must have led me here, because he knows just as well as I do that we are going to have to go through with this and take her out of this miserable existence.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I pull up the camera feed and see what Andrea is up to. It's been a while since I last checked in on her and the sun is starting to fall beyond the horizon. Darkness is setting in. It’s approaching nine p.m. and she is late for work. Once the feed loads, I see that she must have just woken up because she seems to be in full freak-out mode.

I watch as she checks her phone before making a phone call. I have the feed muted though, since I left my earbuds at home. I don't need any civilians hearing anything and finding me hiding in the trees. A minute or two later, I watch as she visibly relaxes right before hanging up with whoever it was. She stands up and stretches her short but thick body out and runs her hands through her hair. In no time at all, she is dressed and heading out.

My prey is on the move I see and this hunter is ready for the chase.

While tonight definitely did not start out well, it seems like it may just turn around after all. I’m not sure where she is heading, but she is dressed in an oversized hoodie and some short shorts that hug every inch of her perfect ass. Her beautiful raven hair is hanging loose down her back and framing her face. No wig and no sign of any makeup either. I can even see freckles peeking through that she usually hides with whatever makeup she wears. Sticking to the shadows not far behind her, we walk for a few blocks before she comes to a stop.

She seems to find what she is looking for and quickly sprints across the street and disappears into a bookstore on the corner. I follow slowly behind and cross the street, sticking to the security of the shadows. After about ten minutes, she heads back my way with a small bag in her hand and the most magnificent smile on her face. It lights up her whole face, and I would be lying if I said it did nothing for me. Just the sight of her right now has my cock straining against my zipper, just begging to be freed. To be touched.

She's just about to pass where I am hiding when she looks up and sees Annie’s lit up across the street from us. She makes a beeline for it and I make myself comfortable, drawing my hood up over my cap and leaning against the wall. I know I'll be here for a little while, which is perfect because I am still trying to decide if I am going to stay away from her or play a little cat-and-mouse game. God only knows how much I need to play with my prey, and how much I need to see her writhing beneath my hands again.

I'm lost in my thoughts for some time when I notice the waitress walking away from the booth where my little pup is sitting near the front windows. I think she may feel my eyes on her because she starts looking out the window, checking up and down the street. She spots me tucked into the shadows. Trying her best to see me, I step out of the shadows just enough so that she can see the shape of my body against the shadows. I stand here watching as her eyes widen with fear as she slowly takes in every aspect of my body that she can see from the safety of Annie’s.

Every single fiber of my being wants nothing more than to walk over to her, grab a fist full of that thick luscious hair, and slam my mouth into hers before bending her over the table she is seated at. I have thought about nothing else since I first laid eyes on her. Just when I think I'm about to lose all self-control, she looks away quickly and smacks a glass of water right out of the waitress's hands. In the midst of her freaking out, I tuck myself back into the shadows where I was originally hiding and continue to watch everything unfold inside the café. Before I know it, she has darted off to the side out of sight, which if I remember right is where the bathrooms are located.

Waiting for her to come back into view, an idea springs to the front of my mind and the only way that I can make it happen is if I work quickly. Heading away from the café, I turn right and walk over to the florist store a few doors down, just as they are locking up for the night. I knock twice in hopes that they will let me in for just a minute to grab something. Thankfully, the young woman working lets me in.

I am looking around for two minutes when I see the perfect arrangement. It is a dozen red roses with several beautiful sunflowers nestled throughout, and I know for certain that sunflowers are her favorite. I just can’t pass it up. I pay for the flowers and leave a generous tip for letting me in after hours. Heading toward the place Andrea calls home.

Managing to make it back in about ten minutes, I know that I have to work quickly. I need to be out of here and back home before she gets back, which will take me about twenty minutes or so. Carefully, I place the flowers on the windshield of the van so that they are noticeable with a note attached so that she'll know just who they are from. When I am happy with myself, I set off for my apartment to settle in for the night.

Once again, I struggle with leaving. My wolf is screaming at me to turn around and wait for her. To take her home where we both belong.

Damn thing doesn't understand what is going on, he just wants our mate. Don’t get me wrong, I want our mate too, but I don't know if I can disappoint Momma like that.

I owe her too much.

Lost in my own thoughts, I make it back to my apartment in no time. Heading in and locking up, I shed everything by the front door and head into the kitchen to get myself a drink. I pour a generous amount of whiskey and head into the living room to get my laptop. By the time I get comfortable, I'm a little late tuning in. She's already back, lying comfortably in her bed with her entire body on display, and what a sight that is. If I thought I was hard earlier tonight, I was sorely mistaken because it is excruciating now as my cock digs into the teeth of my zipper. She seems to be reading, so now is probably the best time to grab my phone and check in with Momma.

Instead of calling her, like I normally do, I shoot her a text filling her in on the day's events. Making sure to leave out how I decided to fuck with Andrea at the café and with the flowers. She's worried about me and how I am going to pull this off, knowing that I have spent half of my life searching for that one woman to settle down with. Neither one of us can understand why the fuck it has to be Andrea, and why now. I'm thirty-nine fucking years old for God's sake and I should have found my mate many years ago. Most of my kind do. I am pretty sure that all of this is just punishment for the line of work that I am in. Or maybe it's because I left my original pack so many years ago. It’s not like I had a choice in that matter anyway, it was either get fucked or fuck off. I fucked off.