Gina didn’t know if the mystery visitor had anything to do with Billie’s murder, but coming around the back in hours of darkness certainly appeared to be suspicious behaviour. ‘Who does she rent her house off?’
‘It’s housing association.’
That ruled out a dubious landlord who was maybe pressing her to pay in unthinkable ways if she didn’t have the money.
‘They have our details. If for any reason she couldn’t pay, we made up the difference. We did everything we could for her, like any parent would and she loved that little house.’
Jacob peered behind as a rumbling noise came up from the side of the house. A lanky young man appeared, pulling a lawnmower along. They all stared in his direction. ‘Hi, Kath, everything alright?’
‘Sorry, Nathan, I should have called you. Something terrible has happened.’ With that, she burst into tears. Gina took in the writing on his T-shirt. Nathan Merry Gardening Services. They’d found Billie’s boyfriend.
‘Nathan Merry?’ Gina stood, the metal chair legs scraping across the patio. Just as described, the tall blond, gangly young man had a little shiny scar under his left eye.
He stopped by the gate; his gaze fixed on everyone around the table. ‘What’s going on?’
‘It’s our daughter, you know, Billie. You’ve seen her here when you’ve cut the lawn.’
‘Has something happened?’
‘She’s been murdered. The police were just asking me some questions.’ Kath stood, hands shaking before she ran inside. ‘I need a minute,’ she called back.
‘Shit.’ The man ran his hands through his loose wavy hair. As he swallowed his Adam’s apple bobbed.
Gina cleared her throat. ‘We believe that you and Billie Reeves were in a relationship.’
He furrowed his brows. ‘What? I just look after her mother’s garden, and I’ve seen her here sometimes.’ His eyes began to glass over.
‘So, you’ve never been to her house?’
‘No. Why would I go to her house?’
Jacob stood too. ‘I think you should come through so that we can talk.’
‘I have work to do.’ The quiver in his voice told Gina that he had more on his mind than work, like his murdered girlfriend.
Gina shook her head. ‘No, you don’t. You need to come down the station to answer a few questions.’
‘This is bullshit. I’m busy so unless you’re going to arrest me, I’ve got work to do.’ He grabbed his mower and began to walk back through the gate as he muttered to himself.
Hurrying after him, Gina called out, ‘Either you come in voluntarily, now, or I arrest you, Mr Merry. What do you prefer? We have two witnesses that put you at Billie’s house over the past week, so you’ve just lied to us.’
His shoulders dropped and he stood in silence as if contemplating what she was saying.
‘So, what’s it going to be?’
‘Okay, okay. I’ll just put my mower back in the van.’
‘Jacob, go with him, I’ll let Mrs Reeves know what’s going on.’
As Jacob led the young man out, Kath came back into the garden rubbing her eyes. ‘I’m sorry. It’s too much.’
Gina placed a hand on her shoulder. ‘That’s okay. Please don’t apologise.’
‘Where’s Nathan?’
‘There’s something you should know.’