Page 95 of The Enforcer

“Really, who died?” Tommie’s snark was sometimes worse than her inner voice.

She sighed. “My marriage. At least, that’s what it feels like.”

Tommie wrapped an arm around her. She loved his comfort. At the same time, it reminded her of how Hector had always touched her. Anytime they were in the same room, he was close to her. Funny how she’d never realized that before. For a grumpy guy, he was awfully touch-feely around her.

“Your marriage isn’t dead, baby girl. It’s more… in hibernation for reasons yet unknown. Whatever Hector’s deal is for pulling a stunt like this, I’m sure he has a reason. That man loves you.”

She had believed so as well. He’d never said the words, but she had felt loved by him. That had to count for something, right? If she could only figure out what had changed.

“I was expecting him to come to his senses by now,” she admitted. In her mind, he came running back to her with a perfectly good explanation on why he’d asked for a separation. Then, of course, she would make him squirm a bit—what woman wouldn’t—and eventually forgive him. All of which was followed by a sappy Hollywood-style happily-ever-after. Reese Witherspoon could star in their movie. Of course, Joe Manganiello would play Hector.

“And I’m sure he will.”

She chugged the rest of her drink down. “Okay, enough about my pity party. We came here to hook you up. But first, I need another drink.”

She hopped off the chair and walked toward the bar. That’s when she saw them.

Her husband. Standing at the bar. With some redhead drooling over him.

Anger churned in her belly. Suddenly, his breaking things off wasn’t a mystery at all. The only mystery was how in God’s name she could have been so naive, making up excuses for him.

He must have a reason?

Really, Mary? Really?


Sappy Hollywood happily-ever-after? Their story was going to be shown during Horror Nights!

“Oh, crap.”

She ignored Tommie and strode over to Hector.

“Mmm.” The redhead crooned, her breasts practically falling out of a tight top. “Let me have another taste of that monster cock.”

Pain lodged in her throat. Then, fury took over.

Hector blinked when he saw her. “Mary?” He sounded alarmed. “Shit. You shouldn’t be here.”

She debated between throwing a drink in his face or slapping him. Both excellent classics to cause a scene. In the end, she went with her first instinct: she kneed him in the balls.

He doubled over and grabbed on to the edge of the bar. When his head snapped up, she decided to go a second round, smacking him in the face.

“I don’t know how long this has been going on, but at least tonight, you won’t be fucking her.” She spun around, heading for the door, keeping her head high and her back ramrod straight.


She ignored the yell and put a hand on her belly. “Sorry, peanut. Your dad is an a-s-s and doesn’t deserve either of us.”

Going into the underground parking lot, she was suddenly reminded that she’d left Tommie inside. She gave him a call, but he didn’t answer.

From the corner of her eye, she spotted a man following her. Kristoff had given her a bodyguard, without asking her. Honestly, she didn’t feel like she needed one and she’d protested, but he gave her a firm ‘nyet.’ Apparently, that hadn’t been up for debate. She waved at the bodyguard, silently telling him she was sorry that he had to trail after her all day.

Her heels clicked on the black pavement, echoing in the dimly-lit space. They should really do something about the lighting. Her heart constricted when she passed Hector’s Harley. It was parked in the opposite row as her car.

“Mary! Wait!”

She ignored Hector yelling after her. Ignored his tall, bulky frame following her into the parking lot.