“That’s the number of curses you spat out. You should’ve stopped after calling me a stubborn donkey. But then you had to go and compare me to an old ox, insinuating that I couldn’t get my dick up. Do you want me to repeat all the words? Iama fair man, after all.”
She winced. “No, no. I believe you. It’s going to hurt, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Mary, your pretty, perky ass is going to hurt once I’m finished with it. But you won’t have too much time to think about it, because once the paddling is finished, you’ll be too busy taking my cock down your throat.”
Heat washed over her. One more step and the back of her knees hit the bed.
Hector put the paddle next to her on the bed and went to his drawer. He pulled out two objects that looked like… oh no—
“Let me introduce you to your new friends,” he said. “Nipple clamps.”
That’s when the heat between her thighs turned into a pool.
“Now, get on your stomach and lift up your ass. It’s best to get this over with, so we can get to the good stuff.”
“Good stuff?”
Please let it be multiple orgasms.
Possibly with whipped cream.
Or anything chocolatey.
He gave her a wicked grin. “Yes, baby. The part where I fuck you six ways till Sunday, until your pussy has come so many times, you’ll need to put ice on it just to handle the fire.”
Hector turned out to be a man of his word. Not that she had expected any differently. He did just as he said. Making her burn. Hurt. Squirm. And feel good. Oh, so good.
By the end of the night, she was a pile of melted bones.
She snuggled up closer to him. “Yes?”
“I didn’t like sleeping without you either.”
And just like that, she melted all over again.
His wife was up to something. He wasn’t sure what but every now and then, she gave him this look from her side of the kitchen island. After their first fight, after which he’d fucked the insolence right out of her, things had gotten back on track. A month into his marriage and things had never been better.
She’d made him his favorite breakfast, which wasn’t too strange since she seemed to like to cook. Still, something was up. Maybe it was because tomorrow, they would have their first guests over. Mary was big on family gatherings, he’d discovered. She had wanted to throw a housewarming barbecue and officially welcome Zoe into their midst.
Right now, she was prepping salads.
“Need any help with that?” he asked.
“Nope.” She cleared her throat. “So, um, is there maybe anyone else you want to invite? Perhaps, someone you forgot?”
“Nah, I’m good. You know everyone I know. The guys, the Dettas, who else is there?”
“Hmm.” She kept on cutting tomatoes.
“Mary. Who else did you invite?”
“I invited Katya,” she said against a bowl. “We met at girls’ night. She’s Kristoff’s protégé and so much fun. Sadly, she can’t make it tomorrow, but when I had her on the phone, I also talked to Kristoff. I wanted to thank him for helping find Zoe. Then I invited him to the barbecue. It seemed rude to invite Katya but not him.”